Being infused with Auriex's power

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 The sky was full of ominous looking clouds as well as a feeling of darkness and worry in the air and so as Adam woke up that morning in the time frame of 4:30 he shook his head to relieve any bad feelings from his mind as he had just gotten from a nightmare where he was at the school's football field and was standing in the part of the field where the home team had came from which faced the school and so as he was going to leave he heard " I don't think so Adam Daniels " before he then saw Auriex come forward and point his sword at him while smirking coldly and said in a cold and hate filled voice " You and your group of people have caused me pain beyond your understanding and so now i will teach you many reasons why you will never beat me " before he dashed forward and slashed at Adam's chest which he was able to negate with his energy to create a barrier which stopped the attack.

Then Adam was kicking Auriex's spirit form away and then formed a machine gun before firing several shots out of the gun which struck Auriex's chest but only caused him a little bit of damage . The leader of the Order of Sun smirked and then brushed off the damage before he said " You can try all you want but i will never be stopped now " as he formed a shuriken and chucked it at Adam's body only for him to grab it and then threw it back with enhanced speed before it hit Auriex and caused a big dust cloud due to the force it had been threw with until Auriex materialized in front of Adam and said " This is over now you'll experience your flaws and darkness " before Adam said " I have no darkness !".

But the spirit being was smirking as he said " that might be true but i can still bring up any dark feelings and flaws you have so get ready " before Auriex grabbed Adam's head and then infused some of his energy into his head which woke him up that moment . Once he was now standing in front of his mirror in his room he rubbed his eyes for a moment and said to himself " I hope nothing life taking happens today or something " before grabbing some clothes and hopped into the shower for his morning routine . As he walked out of the shower in the next few minutes Adam stopped as he rubbed his chin and saw for a moment one of his eyes turn pure black with veins forming next to his eye which made him feel worry and he decided to tell his parents about it at breakfast so he walked into the kitchen and saw his mother cooking breakfast for the family .

Once Adam grabbed a plate of food as well as a cup of coffee he sat down before asking his dad " Hey dad is there a power that Shadow Beings or members of the Order of the Sun can wield that allows them to make people see their flaws and darkness in them ?" before Luke shook his head and said " I'm not sure why son ?" with Adam swallowing some coffee before he said " I have a nightmare where i was attacked by Auriex where he then infused me with some of his power and said i would see my flaws and darkness " which worried Luke as he was looking over at his wife and so he said " I would ask Sarah if i was you OK son ?" with Adam nodding before he grabbed his keys after he finished his food and then headed out to the car before driving to the park .

Once he was at the park he sat on the bench and took out his phone as he texted Charlie with " Yo dude you want to hang with me at the park ?" before he sighed in annoyance at all these attacks and allowed his body to relax for the moment . Later as Charlie walked into the park he said " hey bro what's up ?" and Adam smiled at his friend before he said " nothing much but i got something big to tell you " and so as they walked through the park and chatted about anything that they wanted io talk about Adam said " Well i was in a nightmare this morning where Auriex attacked me and infused me with some of his power which will cause me to see my flaws and my darkness so i'm worried about that " before Charlie said " Don't worry dude i'll be here to keep you sane as will you girlfriend and that hot teacher of yours "

This caused Adam to smirk and say " That's a little weird dude but whatever " which made Charlie smile and so they headed to the basketball court where Adam had a basketball in his hand and they began to shoot some baskets for the time being before Charlie said " Want to grab some food at the cafe ?" with Adam nodding and so they headed to their cars before driving to the small cafe and so as they sat down Adam took out his phone and saw a message from Alice that said " I'll be at the cafe in a few moments so don't worry i'm going to help you with this problem of yours " which made him smile and so their drinks came to their table before they sipped their cokes and watched the other people in the cafe for the moment .

Alice walked into the cafe and then sat down before she said " You ok babe?" with a raised eyebrow before Adam then kissed her forehead and said " I'm fine for now babe but i might not be in a few hours or something " which made Alice lose her smile and so she kissed him again as her drink came to her seat which she thanked the waitress before sipping and so they relaxed in the cafe for the next hour before Adam went home with Alice and so as they sat in the den Alice said " So you think you'll be seeing your flaws and darkness now babe ?" with Adam nodding before he laid his head on her shoulder and said " Yeah i just don't know when yet " and then fell asleep for the moment . As Adam woke up that moment he found himself in what appeared to be a dark part of his mind with only a mirror .

So as he touched it it showed a dark version of himself with a cruel smirk on his face and so the dark part of him walked out of the mirror before it said with a dark and cold tone in it's voice " Hello "Lord" i bet you know who i am don't you ?" before Adam glared at him and nodded as he said " You're my darkness or at least my negative traits aren't you ?" with the dark copy of himself smirking before he said " Good now let's take a little trip " and grabbed Adam by the face . 

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