Learning a new skill

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 With the holiday done already Adam was now getting back to his normal routine for the days and so as he was now running down the street that headed to the park with " Blacker The Berry " playing through his earbuds he was also thinking " I wonder what will happen today as i have this feeling that something big or interesting will happen " as he sat down at the park to catch his breath for some time while he looked around and saw that a few people were also exercising that day as well and so as he was now done with that Adam got up before heading home where he then got undressed and hopped into the shower where he thought to himself " OK so after school i'll go see Sarah and see if there's any new skills or improvements to my current abilities i can learn before i'll go to the cafe and get a coffee or something " as he stepped out of the shower and then got dressed before making breakfast .

Once the food was cooked Adam put it into two plates as Connor sat down as well and said " So how was the date with Alice ?" with a smirk on his face which Adam rolled his eyes at before saying " we had a good date just doing whatever we wanted to do you know ?" with Connor nodding before Kara and Luke walked into the room and also got some food before sitting down with their sons . Kara asked her son " so what are you going to do for the day after school ?" as she sipped some of her coffee and Adam then said " probably go visit Sarah and see what else i can do with my skills " which Luke nodded at and said in a approving tone " you can never stop improving yourself " as he ate some eggs before both teens got up and went to the car before heading to school .

Once at the school Adam opened his locker before he felt Genevieve's presence in the world again which earned a grunt from him and so he turned around to see her standing in front of him with a sassy smirk on her face before saying " what do you want ?" with a exasperated tone in his voice before Genevieve said " just wanted to see you is that so wrong ?" with a pout on her face and Adam just rolled his eyes before saying " yes given you're my enemy now i have to get to class and i'll talk to you later " with Genevieve still pouting as he walked away before her pout turned into a smirk as she said to herself " I will get you on my side as even you can't withstand a master of seduction " . Adam walked into his chemistry class and sat down before rubbing his temples as he took out his work before Charlie sat down and said " you OK bro ? you look like you're having a migraine ".

Adam then cracked his neck and said " I had a encounter with a woman who is opposing me and my mentors so i want to keep a eye out for her " before the class started and so Adam said " i'll tell you more later " which Charlie nodded at and so they worked on their notes . The classes were soon over and so the teen sat down in the cafeteria with his food before starting to work on his homework and as he then bit into his cheeseburger and worked on a quiz sheet for History Alice sat down and asked " Charlie told me you seem tense can i help ?" with a raised eyebrow before Adam swallowed his burger and said " it's cause i was held up by Genevieve who wanted to talk to me but i don't trust her so i left her hanging " which Alice smiled at and then said " that's good you need to keep a eye out for anything suspicious " .

Adam then smiled at that before the two of them ate their food and then worked on their work for a while before the bell rang and so Adam was driving to the manor a while later as his phone played " Carry On My Wayward Son " while his thoughts were in a random order as he was thinking about Genevieve and what she wants with him" I so hope she doesn't want me for anything as i don't trust her and i hope she doesn't hurt anyone i care about " before pulling into the space near the manor and then walked up before being let in by Sarah who said " Alice texted me and told me what happened at the school did she do anything to you ?" with a worried tone in her voice . Adam shook his head before replying " no i told her to go away and that i would never join her" as he sat down and she held out a bottle of water to him which he took and then sipped for some time .

Then she said " well we need to keep a eye on her for now and see if anything happens now let's go to the training room i got something new for you to learn " and so as they walked into the room clad in their workout clothes Sarah held out her hands as energy formed around her in flames while she spoke " some of the Shadow Beings are able to use their energy for spells and special applications such as infusing their energy into their weapons to make them durable and stronger or infuse their hand to hand skills to increase their power " and as she held out her hands she then channeled the energy into her hands before she delivered a series of punches to the boxing bag in the corner which was then destroyed .

Adam was impressed before he said " can i try ?" and Sarah nodded before she moved away and then conjured a training dummy for Adam to try it out on before he channeled some energy into his fists which glowed for a moment before he attacked the dummy and then destroyed it as well which made Sarah smile and so they then trained in the skill for a good period of time before Sarah said " alright i want you to practice that for the time being before we meet again " and so Adam then went home before he fell onto his bed and then fell asleep for the moment .

After dinner that night as he worked on his writing Adam thought to himself " man this is awesome having a new skill !" before he then was stabbed in his neck by a small syringe full of black and red energy before he fell into the dream world of his library . 

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