Going back to normal life

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 Now that Adam and his girlfriend and mentor were back to their normal routines the young man was now getting ready for school that morning as he had finished his homework that he had gotten from Charlie and was now in his workout room using the weights for the time being while his phone was playing " Pray For Me " as he wanted to keep his workouts going so that he didn't lose any momentum and so as Adam finished his weight session he got up before heading to the pull up bar and then lifted himself before dropping down and then doing his reps with the bar for the time being while he was thinking " OK now that i'm back home i need to keep up with my training and also making sure my homework keeps going good but overall just need to get back to normal " before he was done with his workout .

So then Adam headed to the bathroom with some fresh clothes before he washed himself down and then got dried off before he was soon dressed and had his stuff for school with him as he walked into the kitchen and found his mother cooking breakfast . He put his stuff down before he kissed his mother's cheek and said " Hey mom i'll take a plate " with Kara nodding and handing her son a plate of food before he sat down and said " hey mom do you know anything about this ?" as he showed her his new ring which she looked at a little bit more closely having seen it before but she didn't know where and so she said " i don't know honey but i'll ask your father later as he might know " which Adam nodded before he finished his meal .

So after he grabbed his gear he said " you bro need a ride ?" with Connor shaking his head before he said " no thanks dude i got my own car but thanks " as he fist bumped his brother and they headed out to their cars before driving to school . Once he parked in the parking spot he usually used for the school day Adam grabbed his bag before locking the car and then headed into the school while he was listening to " Blacker The Berry" before he reached his locker and then took out his books for his morning classes when he felt Alice's magical energy come near him which amazed him at her ability to use spells and wondered if she had some unique lineage in her family before he then said " hey babe you ready for a normal day ?" as his arm went around her shoulder before Alice kissed him and said " yeah let's get to class " and so both teens headed to their classes for the day before it was soon time for the final class of the morning .

So as Adam sat down next to Charlie before the class was about to begin Charlie asked " so how was your trip ? learn anything cool?" before Adam nodded and said in a low voice " i'll tell you later " as their teacher gave out a test for the class and the room was quiet . Adam was walking out of the classroom when his teacher asked " Mr Daniels please stay back if you can ?" with Adam saying to Charlie " go ahead dude i'll meet you later " before he walked back into the classroom and said " What can i do for you ma'am?" with Mrs Franklin smiling at him and said " i just wanted to say you have done very well in this class and that you have come far from the beginning of the year ."

Then she said "if you need any help with anything including that dark half of you i can help " with Adam's face turning pale as in his mind he said " She knows about him?" before Mrs Franklin said " please Adam i can tell you about how i know that later but i'll write you a pass for your next class and we can talk another time " as the young woman wrote down the pass and handed it to him . The classes were soon done for the day later and so Adam headed to his locker before he said to Alice "it seems Mrs Franklin is on to me and who i am so i have to know if i can trust her you know ?" with Alice nodding and said " yeah i get it but let's keep out eyes open and see if there's anyone we can't trust " as they headed to the lunchroom where they placed their books down and headed to the lunch line to grab their food .

As Alice was working on her work Adam was eating some of his food when he saw his ring glow for a moment which interested him and so he took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching before he then sent some energy into his ring and then it injected him with knowledge of new skills and moves that he could use with his weapons . Once that was done Adam was standing at his locker a while later and taking out his books before he said to himself " That was weird but i'll check it out later " as he kissed his girlfriend's lips and they headed home before working on their homework for the time being . Alice laid her head on her boyfriend's lap before he stroked her hair and said " you OK ? you just tired ?" with Alice nodding and he kissed her forehead before saying " do you need to go home soon or do you want to stay for dinner ?" .

Alice was then shaking her head and said " i'm going to go home but i'll see you later babe " and so as Adam watched his girlfriend drive home he sighed before he sat down for dinner and ate the chicken pot pie slice on his plate before going to the den to work on his writing . Once he was done he then took a shower and went to bed . 

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