Adam being shot

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 With the month of January now filled with Adam's activities for him to do the young man was now focusing on his usual activities like his school life and workouts during the morning and later parts of the day while also spending time with Alice and Charlie during the times that they had off from school and any activities they were doing during the day as well and so as Adam finished his run down the street leading to the house he then sighed in relaxation before stripping off his clothes and then turning on the water before he grabbed some fresh clothes and then placed them on the toilet before he washed his body off with the water coming down on him while his phone played " Painkiller" by Jason Derulo and Meghan Trainor which was one of his favorite songs off of Jason Derulo's album .

So then as he finished his post workout shower Adam then got dressed before heading to the breakfast table and then sat down with some cereal and toast before he then opened his phone and sent " Hey babe i'll meet you at school soon OK ?" as he then ate some of his Frosted Flakes while ripping off a piece of toast with some butter on it and then bit into it while Connor made his own breakfast before sitting down with his food and asked " You still feeling bad like something is going to happen ?" with Adam shaking his head before saying " not really i mean i do feel wary of anything that will happen today but we'll see as the day goes " . before they finished their food and then headed out to the car before Adam turned out of the driveway and then headed to school with his music playing which made his mood somewhat better .

But as he drove the car the feeling of nervousness was still in him and so as he stood in front of his locker with his books out he had a frown on his face and his hair on the back of his neck was standing up which was also unnerving him so he closed his locker before turning to leave and kissed Alice before he whispered " do you feel anything wierd or see anyone supisicious ?" with the young girl shaking her head and said as they stepped into their classroom " no not really are you feeling something ?" with Adam nodding and said " i'll let you know more later " . The day went on and soon as Adam stood outside his final classroom for the morning unknown to him the same man and woman stood on a building next to the school and then the man said " We'll go after him later today you can be sure of that !" with the Asian woman nodding .

She then took out her small medallion before throwing it into the window and it hit Adam's shoulder where it turned into energy and melded with his body before they moved away and the class started for the day . Eventually Adam sat down for lunch before he took some bites of his fries and then wrote down his answers to his homework for the moment as Alice was working on her own homework too and so as she was done Alice kissed his cheek before whispering " you feel better now babe ? like you have some better feelings ?" with Adam nodding slowly before he said " yeah now that i'm with you i feel somewhat good but i still got that nervous feeling " as he finished his homework and then put the work away in his bag before getting up and headed to the bathroom to clear some thoughts out of his head that he didn't want in there .

Once he stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror by the sinks Adam traced the mark on his chest for a minute before he thought to himself " Why can't this feeling go away ?" with annoyance before he walked out of the restroom and then grabbed his books before heading to his next classes for the rest of the day until it was time for him to do his workout with Charlie and Connor and so as Adam got changed into his workout clothes and then stood in the weight room he then grabbed the weights before doing his normal reps with them while he was listening to his playlist as well . Connor walked over to Charlie who was lifting his body off of the ground and using the pull up bar and said as Charlie stood on the ground now " What do you think of this whole " me and Adam having powers thing "? i mean it's kinda cool but i feel not that different you know ?" with Charlie nodding as he sipped some water .

After that he said " i get it to a degree as i don't have powers but i can tell you that's it's what you do with these abilities that makes you who you are not the other way around " much to Connor 's relief and as they took their time in the showers Adam was unaware of the danger that would be hitting him as soon as he came out of the school so he got changed and then as he and Charlie as well as Connor were heading to the cars the Asian female had a pistol out with a scope on it and as her partner came up and jabbed some substance into Adam's chest she fired a bullet that pierced through Adam's body and he fell to the ground with blood out of his body as well as Connor and Charlie looking in horror . 

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