Meeting with Dante

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 Now that Adam had cleaned himself of any negative darkness in his body by merging with it as well as accepted the flaws he had in his mind and soul he was now working on using that new mind state to increase the energy reduction of his attacks and his abilities as he didn't want to waste any energy that he had in his body when he was in a fight and so as he meditated and held out two spheres of energy to try and compress into two smaller spheres he would then put them in his body and see if he could handle the energy going through it for the time being and so Adam closed his eyes before the two orbs compressed and became smaller before he opened his eyes and then put the orbs into his body while gritting his teeth for the moment as the energy was released into his body.

After doing that Adam sat there for the time that it took for the energy to flow freely until he said " Screw it i have things to do " and got up before grabbing some fresh clothes and did his morning shower before going to his room and grabbed his phone before sitting down at the kitchen which had Connor and to Adam's non surprise Charlie sitting down with eggs and bacon on two plates at the table . Charlie looked at his friend and said " You OK now dude ? i mean now that you've gotten free of whatever you had holding you back ?" and Adam nodded before he took some of the food from the pans on the stove and put it onto his plate before sitting down and said " Yeah i should be better now but we'll see you know ?" with the other guy nodding in agreement before he then said " So what are you thinking we should do today ?" with Adam looking at his brother before asking " What do you want to do dude ?" .

Then Connor said " Well let's get coffee first before hitting the mall is that OK with you two ?" before Charlie nodded and said " It's fine with me how about you ?" as he looked over at Adam who nodded and they then finished their food . Later as they drove to the cafe Adam and his buddies walked in and ordered three coffees before they were soon heading into the mall for some guy time and so as Adam sipped some of his coffee he heard his phone vibrate before he said to himself " Wonder what this is ?" and looked at his phone to see Alice's message that read " Hey it's me just wanted to see what you were doing that's all " so Adam sent back " nothing much me and Charlie and Connor are at the mall just browsing around you know ?" before they then headed to different stores for the next few minutes while talking about different things until they stopped at the sports store.

Then they headed inside as Adam needed some more workout clothes and also wanted to get a basketball hoop which he could put on the driveway and as Adam picked it out along with he clothes they walked to the cashier and then Adam paid for the items before asking his friend and his brother " what do you guys want to get ?" before Connor said " let's go to the bookstore as i want to see if there's anything new" with Charlie saying " sure that's sounding good" before they were soon standing in the bookstore with a bunch of books in Connor's hands . Once he paid for them they headed to the food court before grabbing three sodas and then sat down in a booth before Adam took out his phone and called Alice who answered with a " Hello ?" before Adam said " Hey babe it's me what you doing now ?" with Alice smiling at his voice .

Then she said " Not much working on some homework what about you babe ?" before Adam said " we're almost done with our time in the mall so i'll come over later OK?" with Alice saying " sure i'll talk to you later " and so as Adam and the other two guys heading home Adam said " so you guys want to watch a movie or anything ?" before Charlie said " I'm getting kinda tired dude so i'll just head home OK ?" and Adam nodded so he dropped Charlie off at his house before heading home . That afternoon went by as Adam was still working on his meditation and his exercises to increase his skills for the next few hours and as he was then getting up from the ground during his time in the workout room he stopped as he suddenly saw Dante walk into the room from a pillar of energy and so he said " May i help you ?" with a raised eyebrow.

Dante chuckled before saying " You must be the reason why my power has increased as well as my mind being clearer so i'm guessing you're mind and soul is clear of any negativity in it ?" before Adam nodded and said " I'm taking your advice and working to get stronger so we can see what will happen after our fight " which made Dante grin before he said in a serious tone " I want to talk about you for a moment as in what drives you and what will happen if i lose " . 

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