Seeing the past usage of the Tome

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 Adam was up during the morning of the first day of spring break running his normal routine for his workout in the first few hours of the day while he was thinking to himself about the different events that had happened in the last few weeks and so as he got off of the mat that he was using for the sit ups Alice and Connor walked into the room and the young man asked " hey bro want to join us at the diner for breakfast unless you got other plans ?" with Adam grunting as he got up before running his fingers down his shoulders and said " sure i got nothing else to do this morning " and so he headed out to the bedroom before he got dressed and then Alice and the two young men hopped into Alice's vehicle before she drove to the diner where they parked and then sat down at a booth before looking over their menus for the moment .

As Adam put his menu down and took out his phone he looked at his girlfriend before he asked " so what do you plan on doing for the break ? do you want to have some days with me or are you going on vacation ?" with curiosity in his voice which Alice caught onto before she smiled and said " I don't think we'll be going away but i do want to spend more time with you even if we spend a lot of it together " which made Adam nod his head before their waitress came over and took their orders after giving them their drinks and so as she walked away Adam looked up and saw Sarah walk into the room before she said " Hey just wanted to let you know that we got some info out of Garek earlier so if you want to know what it is come meet me at the manor ok ?" which Adam nodded at.

Then she sat down at the counter before ordering her normal cup of coffee and so all three teens dug into their meals a few moments later before Alice asked " what do you think they got out of him ?" with Adam shrugging and he said " I don't know but we'll find out later " before they paid for their food and headed home . Once at home Adam got into the shower and then got dressed in fresh clothes for the day before he then sat down and watched the newest episodes of Supernatural for the next hour before he then fell asleep as he was somewhat tired and so as he slept on the couch Kara came into the room and saw her sleeping son so she smiled at him and grabbed a blanket before putting it on him as he let his hand fall to the side of the couch .

In Adam's mind he was looking at the Tome of Shadows and so as he moved forward to touch the book he saw a sudden image of Auriex in his mind's eye as the being in question was using the book to ravage the Shadow World in the past as revenge for being cast out of the Shadow World and out of the Order of the Sun and so as he stopped seeing it Adam woke up in shock and thought to himself " That was horrible how could he do that". As he got up and grabbed his keys Kara noticed her son's face and so she asked " you OK sweetheart you seem like you just found out something bad " before Adam nodded and asked " Is it true that Auriex used the Tome of Shadows to kill our people before he was banished from a physical body ?" in a disbelieving voice and Kara sighed as she nodded in sadness.

Then she said in a resigned tone " Yes sweetheart he did but don't let that stop you from stopping him and his plans OK ?" with Adam nodding before he headed to the manor where he and Sarah stood outside the cell where Garek was and looked through the info that she had gotten from his mind . As Sarah closed the info files she turned to Adam and said " Do what you have to do to get more info OK ? but be mindful to keep a line from being crossed " and Adam squeezed her hand before he headed into the room where the blue haired man smirked at Adam and said " Well Well Well lookie here who wants to have a little talk with me ?" in a smug and sarcastic tone that annoyed Adam.

This showed in his facial expression and behavior as a moment passed before he had his mouth smacked by Adam who gave him a cold look and said " If i was you i would be quiet before i lose it bub " as he shook his hand to keep it from hurting too much . Garek shook his head as Adam said " So what does Auriex want with my girlfriend's necklace as what does it do in particular ?" before Garek smiled coldly and said " wouldn't you like to know " which got Adam growling before he slammed the blue haired man into the wall and said " don't play with me what does he want ?" and Garek smirked before he said " Fine he wants to use your girlfriend to unlock the Tome before using it to regain his full power and then ravage this world in revenge " .

Adam then smirked and then punched his lights out before heading to his house where he sat on the couch and then texted Alice with " I know what Auriex wants with you he wants to gain his full power and attack our world " which she was angered by and said in her message " He must be stopped as i am not going to be his weapon " and Adam smiled before he said " You're right we will stop him all of us will " before he headed to the dinner table and then ate his meal before going to do some writing and then went to bed . 

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