The final vision

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 Unknown to Adam there was one last vision that he was going to see about Auriex and so as he sat in his workout room that morning while he was surrounded by some notebooks so if he wanted to incorporate some ideas from the vision into his life he would write them down and so as he cleared his throat he sighed before he said "let's do this " and then let his mind bring the vision to him . The young man saw what looked like a courtyard where there stood two beings with one of them being Auriex while the other man was big and menacing with a sword in his hand and what seemed like normal clothing on his body while Auriex was wearing armor on his body as well.

So as the fallen Order of the Sun leader said " Fancy meeting you here Galdriax " the man shook his head before replying " i don't feel the same way Auriex i only came here to do what i must " with his tone full of sorrow and sadness at the idea of fighting his close friend who was like a brother to him before he clenched his blade as Auriex noticed this before he said " I don't understand this Gal i mean we don't have to fight you can walk away from this just as i can if you let me go ahead with my plans " which Galdriax snorted at before replying " i can't let you do that i have a mission given to me by the royal government so i must stop you " as he dashed towards Auriex and they clashed their blades together .

For the next few seconds they struggled to get the advantage before Auriex smirked and kicked out Galdriax's legs which made him move to the side by gripping the ground with his hand to flip him to the point where he could form two knifes which he aimed at Auriex before throwing them at his torso with Auriex frowning before he grabbed them and incinerated them with his energy as he formed a spear and charged forward before using it to pole vault over Galdraix and then side kicked his enemy into the wall next to him . Galadriax got out of the wall with a look of anger before he formed his swords again and charged forward at Auriex who did the same before they clashed for the next few times with neither gaining an advantage before Auriex said " You can't beat me ! just give up " .

Galadriax growled and said " You can't win " as he charged for one last slash and then as he let his swords disappear he then saw Auriex fall to his knees before he said " You were supposed to be stronger than this but i guess you were never my friend " as he watched Auriex fade into the air as he teleported away with Galadriax sighing and headed to his next objective before letting his superiors know what happened . Adam woke up that next hour and said to himself " That was intense gotta tell the others " before he got out of there and headed to get dressed . Later at the cafe Adam sat down before kissing Alice's cheek as he said " I had another vision of Auriex fighting some guy named Galadriax do you know him Sarah ?" with the young woman nodding in agreement .

Then she said " He was one of the best fighters in that world as he was basically the Shadow World's version of Michael from the bible " which amazed Adam who took some sips of his coffee before asking "so with this new info what should we do now ?" with Sarah thinking for a moment as she said " Let's take some time out for training today and keep a eye out for anyone who is causing trouble . " So as they finished up with their food Adam and Alice hopped into their cars while Sarah got into her jeep and they drove to the manor before they settled into a training session for the day.

As Adam was working out with his girlfriend helping him he said " how you feeling today ?" with Alice smiling at him before she kissed him and said " I'm fine how about you ?" with Adam nodding back at her before they finished up their training and then decided to go to his house for some time alone . So as Adam and Alice plopped down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn while Supernatural was playing on the TV Adam kissed his girlfriend's forehead before she snuggled into his arms and he smiled down at her as they relaxed for the next few minutes until they were done with that and so they headed to the den before working on some homework that they had to finish .

Alice went home that night before Adam sat down for dinner and listened to his family talk about their days while he ate his food . Later that night Adam went to the den before he finished his writing and then went to bed . 

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