Making his own weapons for the first session

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 On the first day of Adam's descent into learning about his abilities he woke up and smiled to himself as he said " i wonder what will happen in my training " before getting up and then stretching as he grabbed some clothes and then went about his routine for the morning in the next few minutes and as he was standing in the shower he washed his body clean with water and body wash before he was singing to " Hell" by Disturbed which was a great song in Adam's opinion and so as he stepped out of the shower Adam ran his finger across his chest and thought " wonder if i'll also get a answer to what this means " before he got dressed and then headed to the kitchen for some food before heading out to meet with Sarah for his workout .

Connor was sitting down next to his father who was eating some french toast while Kara was dishing out the food onto plate for Adam and as Adam walked into the room he said " thanks mom " as he was handed the plate of food before he sat down at his seat with his brother right next to him and so as he ate his food he texted Sarah with " i'm going to the cafe want to meet me there ?" before he then swallowed some toast and then sipped his coffee before finishing his food . Once he was done Adam then got up before kissing his mother's cheek and then fist bumped his brother before grabbing his keys and then drove to the Moonlight cafe before he then parked and then sat in a small table while sipping some hot chocolate for the next few moments until Sarah walked in.

She then smiled at him before she mouthed " I'm getting a drink " to which Adam nodded and gave her a thumbs up before Sarah stood in line to grab her drink . Adam took out his phone before he then sent " I'm at the Moonlight cafe with Mrs. King so i'll talk to you later OK ?" to Alice before he saw Sarah sat down and he asked " so what's going on for today ?" with Sarah swallowing some coffee before she said in a relaxed tone " We're going to start with going to the small workout room in the manor before we do anything big as i want you to get some workout sessions in is that OK ?" and so as they headed to the manor a while later Adam said " so what are we going to work on first like are we going to do some breathing exercises first or something ?" before Sarah pulled into the driveway.

She then opened the door before she said " yeah we'll do some different things so don't worry " and then as Adam sat on the bench with the bar for lifting Sarah walked out in a tank top and sweats while she handed Adam some workout clothes that she had gotten for him and he said " thanks " in a pleasant voice before going to get changed for the session and once he cane back he then asked " so what's first ?" with Sarah shaking her head before she said " first let's work on your breathing and clearing your mind of anything else that might bother you " and so Adam put his hands in a closed motion before he breathed in and out for a good amount of time while clearing his mind of anything that could be non useful to him for the next amount of time .

As he did this Sarah was watching over him with a serious look in her eyes as she was thinking " ok he seems to get this down for now but we'll see how he does in the upcoming parts " before she said " that's good for now let's move on to channeling your power " as Adam got to his feet before they moved to a empty part of the room . Sarah held her hands out and said " alright watch me and see if you can find out how i do this " as she focused her power with it crackling and hissing as it was being shaped and forming something for the moment . Then it formed in the air into a sword that was looking like a long sword or a broadsword with black and red hilt with cracks appearing on the hilt and so as she held it in her hand Adam thought to himself " OK she seems to be reaching into her body and drawing the power out to her and making it into what she needs " before he closed his eyes.

He then said " alright let's see what i can do " and so Adam held out his hands before closing his eyes and then thinking of all things a pair of gauntlets that looked like they could fit his arms and so as the energy is drawn out of his body Adam then saw it appearing on his arms as the gauntlets for a few moments before it suddenly formed a pair of blades that could be used for any range with Sarah looking impressed and she said out loud " that was good i like that you showed that you can make the energy into different weapons or objects for the situation " with Adam smiling at her and so for the next hour they worked on making the weapons stay in the world for a certain amount of time before it was time for Adam to go home . As Adam dismissed the swords he said " alright i got to go but i'll see you later or maybe tonight ?" and Sarah thought about it for a minute before she smiled as well and said "we'll see but i'll let you know ok?".

So then Adam drove to the house before he then sat down and opened his laptop before jotting down some more notes for his current writing for the next hour before it was dinner time . So as Adam sat down at the dinner table he said to his parents " So me and Sarah worked on making my weapons from my energy !" with Luke and Kara looking surprised yet impressed and so Luke said " that's great just don't let it get to you OK son? like don't go arrogant or crazy " with Kara nodding in agreement so Adam said " sure thing dad " before finishing his meatloaf and then headed out to his car before driving to the cafe where he sat down and met up with Sarah .

Sarah smiled at her student and said " OK well for the next session we'll keep up the training on your weapons but at the same time we'll work on your other abilities " with Adam nodding in agreement before he said " that sounds good can't wait to learn more " and so they sipped their drinks while talking about different things before they went home and Adam went to bed with a smile on his face . 

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