Starting the attacks

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The sky was full of a ominous feeling in the air as Adam was lifting the bar in the workout room while shirtless with the armor gauntlets on his arms helping his muscles get more stronger and at the same time Connor was sitting on the floor meditating as to gain some new ideas for his traps and his animals that he could summon so he could be more innovative in battle and so as he got up Adam said to his brother " I think we should take the fight to Auriex as we have done some good things right now but not many successful strikes on our end you know ?" with Connor nodding as he was standing up as well due to his meditation ending and so he said in a unclear voice " Do you think we'll win or at least survive ?" and Adam sighed in worry as he said " No i don't know maybe we will you know ? let's go check with Sarah and see what we can do " before heading to get dressed .

They then headed out of the house before driving to the manor where Sarah led them to the library and asked " So what's up ? you guys need something or have a problem ?" with Adam nodding as he sipped some water before he said " Yeah i think we need to start hitting at Auriex's hideout or at least some of his goons and weak points to get a advantage so far you know ?" which Connor nodded and said " I agree we have been doing not a lot of things so we need to start this fight off with a bang " and Sarah smiled before she said " Well i have been searching for new locations that Auriex's men and troops have been using for the time being and i found the old factory in the old part of the city so if you go there and start your plan there we'll at least have a good start " which both guys nodded at in agreement . Adam said " We'll do that " before heading out of the room .

The two men drove to the diner before they sat down and ordered two chocolate milkshakes while Adam texted Alice with " We got some plans forming for what we need to do to start off our fight with Auriex and his goons so we're at the diner if you want to come help us OK ? " before he sipped some of his milkshake and said " So how you coming along with your powers ?" as Connor sipped some of his own drink he said " not too bad i have been working on combining the traps and animals to where i can use the animals to set traps before i trick the enemies to go to them and then i strike them you know ?" which Adam smiled at before he noticed Alice walking towards him and so he kissed her before he said " Hey thanks for coming ". Alice smiled before she said " No problem i want to see what i can do to help you know ?" before Adam moved over for his girlfriend to sit down .

As she sat down Alice said " so what are we planning for now ? i mean we must have some plans to start off with " and Adam looked over at his brother before Connor said " Well we'll be attacking the old factory in the old part of the city and see what will happen after that so you coming with us i'm guessing ?" before Alice smiled in a happy way as she said " Sure thing i can't let you guys go alone " as she sipped some of her milkshake and for the time being they all had a good time . The time soon came and so Adam and Alice got ready with Adam focusing his armor onto his body while Alice was wearing a special ring that Adam had gotten from Sarah that would increase her energy levels before she also used her magic to create a bodysuit that looked great on her and Adam showed this by kissing her hard which made her giggle before they headed out of the house.

Adam drove to Sarah's where Connor was waiting for him and so the two brothers said to Sarah before Connor said " How will we be doing this ?" with Sarah smirking before she said " Well first we'll go to the back door before sneaking in and then see what will happen next OK ?" as she turned on the jeep and they all headed into the vehicle before driving to the factory . Once in the factory area Adam and Alice helped Connor out of the jeep before Sarah came over and said " OK now i'll go forward before we do anything else OK ?" with the three teens nodding and so the older woman moved forward before slicing into the door with her knife and then snuck into the room before Alice formed a ball of light to use as a flashlight and so they headed forward through the room before they stopped and saw a bunch of goons standing in front of a set of files that looked important and so Sarah snuck behind one of them and silently decapitated him before moving to alert Adam and his team who killed the others .

Then Sarah held the files in her hand as she said " OK so these look important so we need to keep a hold on them before we check them out later " as they headed out of the room and found themselves looking at a room full of weapons and enemies with the leader being a man with a scar on his face and a sneer on his lips and so Adam said " You know him ?" as Sarah growled before she said " Yeah that's Lakiux he was a traitor to the Shadow People as he joined with the Order of the Sun and fed them info about us so they could attack us " which angered Adam and Connor as that was unforgivable to them and so Sarah said " I'm going to go and assassinate him you guys wait for my command " which all three teens nodded at .

So Sarah crept onto the ceiling before she formed a crossbow and fired a quick shot into his neck which Lakiux smirked at before he said " Well Well Sarah how nice to see you " before he formed a whip of energy and charged forward at her while his goons attacked Adam Connor and Alice . 

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