Beginning to work with Dante

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As the time went on as usual Adam and his team were now studying for the final exams that they had during the upcoming months and so as Adam sat in the bedroom with his books opened during the morning of the first day of May he was also fast asleep with the Chemistry textbook on his face and so Alice walked into the room with a smile on her face as she said to him " Wake up babe i got something for you " with Adam opening his eyes and said " what's going on ?" before Alice smiled and said " Nothing much just wanted to show you something " as she took out her phone and showed her boyfriend a picture of the team after they had just stopped some of the gang members that were part of Auriex's group and so Adam chuckled before kissing her forehead.

Then he said " Let's get some food before we have to go out and find where Auriex's group is today " before they walked out to the kitchen and then Adam cooked them some eggs for the time being before they sat down and chowed down on their food while talking about some topics that they thought were important . After that Adam and Alice headed out to where the team was and so they waved to Sarah before the young woman said " I was thinking after this we can learn the rest of the truth about Aurora from her maybe ?" with Aurora smiling down in Adam's mind as she said " sure i have no problem with that " before they got to work for the time being . Adam crept behind the garbage cans that were in front of the alley where he saw a bunch of the goons holding what appeared to be a book with archaic looking words on it .

So Adam narrowed his eyes before he formed a knife and then threw it into the book holder's arm which knocked the book to the floor and so Adam nodded to Alice who grabbed it before she handed it to Sarah and then knocked the two guys out before she did the same thing to the others and said " So what is this for ? i mean they have the Tome so why do they need this book ?" before Sarah shook her head and said " I'm not sure but let's keep our heads up ok ?" and so as the two ladies and one man walked through the alley they saw what appeared to be a foggy mist come towards them and in the fog they saw a giant behemoth of a creature that Sarah recognized as a Shadow Mammoth .

So Adam asked " what do we do now ?" before Sarah suggested " let's try and sneak kill it but if we get noticed then we fight OK ?" and Adam nodded as he crept behind it's legs and then formed two swords before cutting through it's legs which knocked it to the floor before Sarah stabbed through it's brain and it faded into the reddish and blackish energy before Sarah replied " let's move on now " and as they crept through the section of town Adam suddenly stopped as Dante walked out of the street and said " Lookie who we have here " with a smirk on his face . Adam raised his eyebrow before he said " What can we do for you ? i mean you must have some reason for being here " with Dante shrugging before he said " I got a feeling that something big was going to happen so i came here "

Then he looked around and said "Then while i was searching for where the feeling was coming from i was also kicking the crap out of the enemies that were here " with Sarah nodding before she said " So do you want to help us ?" with Aurora suggesting to Dante through her bond " I know what you are and so i want to say that i can tell you are a good man despite your attitude so work with these guys for now it'll be good " with Dante shaking his head before he said in agreement " Sure i got nothing better to do " and so they headed to the other part of the town before they started to attack the gang members for the next few minutes .

Later that day as Adam and Alice went home and sat in the kitchen sipping some coffee Alice said " Do you think we can trust Dante i mean even if what Aurora said was true ?" before Adam said " I think so i mean he's me in a technical sense so i think we have not a lot of reasons to not trust him but we'll see how it goes " before they finished their coffee and headed to the couch in the den before sitting down and then watched some TV for the next few hours .

Then as Alice went home Adam took a short nap before he got up and headed to the dinner table where he sat down and ate some chicken pot pie while listening to his family talk about their days before he then got up and headed to the den before he then finished his writing and went to bed. 

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