The training intensifies

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 Soon the time came for Adam and his team to get training as the fight of their lives or at least the next part of the year which would be summer was coming up and so Adam was standing in front of his girlfriend brother and mentor while Sarah was standing in the corner as she wanted him to start their sessions off before she had to do anything and as Adam walked in front of them he said " Guys we might not survive this fight or at least won't come out unscarred or unchanged or anything like that we have a goal to accomplish for the fight and so we need to be pushing ourselves hard and see where we can get our bodies to go " with Sarah nodding and the two teens in front of Adam nodding in agreement as Connor said " we get it bro and we won't let you down " .

Alice then nodded and so Adam said " OK now this is how we're going to do this we will be focusing on our weaknesses and limits and seeing where we need to break our limits as well as go talk to mom and dad and see how they can help us " before he swallowed some water and at that moment Sarah walked up as she said " I agree with you but we also should keep a eye out for the Fallen One and the other forces of Auriex's team as we don't want to lose anyone to them " which Alice and Connor nodded and then the girl said " Yeah that sounds good so why don't we do some training and then go get some food , then we'll go see if there's been any attacks ?" with Adam looking over at his brother who nodded and then he said " sure i'm down for that " .

So they headed out to the middle of the room before Alice said " I'll fight Sarah " and so the two ladies found their way to the ring before Adam said "you guys know the rules which is no killing moves and overall give a good fight " as he then moved back before Alice closed her eyes and dashed forward before slamming her palm into Sarah's stomach which knocked out a little bit of air from Sarah's body and this gave Alice some time to charge a set of spikes with energy before she slammed them into Sarah's body and caused her to bleed somewhat which amused Sarah and so she said " Good job so far " as she threw her sword with some force behind it and it struck Alice in the leg with enough force to break it and so Alice smirked before numbing the pain with her energy.

Alice then gripped Sarah's hand before throwing her to the side and then kicked her in the head which dazed Sarah for a moment but she recovered and then gripped Alice's hands as Sarah knew to prevent Alice from using her hands for her spells before Alice knocked the hands away and then formed two spheres of magma before throwing them at Sarah . The fight soon ended and Alice said " Good job it seems i'ts not only Adam that can give me a good fight now " with a smile on her face which amused Sarah and Connor pouted as he said " I want to fight you next " with a thumbs up which made Alice giggle and so she said " sure i want to test your skills anyway " which made Adam nod in amusement before he then walked into the ring and said " I'm up against Connor " .

So both brothers turned to face each other before Adam said " You ready ?" with Connor nodding before the older brother said " GO!" as he dashed forward and formed a scythe as he slammed the hilt into the ground before kicking Connor who leaped away and then formed three animals out of his energy which were two wolves and a bear which indicated to Adam that his brother had been training and so on Connor's command the animals charged forward before Adam sent a slash to each animal which destroyed them and allowed him to deck his brother in the face which made Connor smirk in pride at his brother's skill. Connor then sent some traps out to keep Adam busy before he created a smoke screen using a smoke pellet he had in his pouch and then snuck behind Adam before forming a dagger and slashed him across the back.

This made Adam grunt and then he struck Connor with a back fist before knocking him across the room and then Connor punched his brother in the face before giving him a beat down for some time before Adam said " That's good enough " and Connor nodded before getting off his brother as Adam said " I think that should be good enough for today right guys ?" with Alice and Sarah nodding with Sarah saying "Yeah let's take a break and get some food " before they headed to the kitchen and had some sandwiches for now . Once they were done Adam and Connor headed home before Adam then took a nap for some time and then when he got up he then stretched before heading to the kitchen and poured himself some coffee before sitting down .

Then Adam looked through his phone before he deleted any messages that he didn't read anymore and then finished his coffee before sitting down and worked on his writing for the next hour . Later that night Adam was sitting in the den working on his homework when he sighed in relief that this conflict will come to a end soon and then he said to himself " This will be over soon and i hope we can make it without any casualties " before going to bed . 

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