Spending time with Alice

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 With the encounter with the dark mirror of Adam still in his mind the young man was now standing in front of a punching bag with a set of gloves on his hands while in the corner his phone was playing the Doom 2016 soundtrack to keep him going for the moment and so as he was punching the bag with gusto for the next few minutes Alice walked into the room and looked concerned about her boyfriend as she said " you seem more intense due to what happened at lunch yesterday " which was just a concern as she didn't want him to be obesessed with finding why that guy looks like him to which Adam spat some spit out into a cup before he said " i know but i don't understand how he looks like me i feel like i'm missing something but i don't know what you know ?" which Alice nodded at and then hugged him as he calmed down.

Then she kissed his cheek and said " let's go get something to eat before you go see Sarah ok?" and so both teens headed to the kitchen before Adam took out some food and for the next few minutes both teens worked on cooking some eggs and fruit together in a scrambled eggs and smoothie combo before Adam then put the food onto two plates and then they sat down with the sun coming into the room which made them feel good for the moment before Alice asked " so what happened that time in lunch ? i mean i don't get it and i want to hear from you is that ok?" with Adam swallowing some eggs before he nodded and looked out the window for a moment to collect his thoughts and at the same time enjoy the warm feeling he got from the sun coming through the window.

A few moments later he then said " I don't know what he wanted but i could see he was in a way like me you know ? i know you couldn't see it as time had been stopped but he had the same look of wanting to know more about our beings but at the same time having it be more cruel and merciless which scares me " before he swallowed some juice and allowing Alice to speak as they grabbed their phone and headed out to Adam's car . As they drove to the mall in the next few minutes Alice watched Adam's emotions play over his face as he drove and listened to the music that was playing at the same time with the main emotions being worry and frustration which was understandable due to the events happening around him and he didn't know what was going on .

The car then stopped in front of the local coffee cafe/shop and so they walked into the small cafe before standing in line as they chose their orders before the young teenage girl asked Adam in a cheerful yet friendly voice " Hello what can i get you ?" with Adam saying in a pleasant voice as if he didn;t want to have those emotions in his mind right now " i'll take a hot chocolate please oh and a cinnamon bun " before he walked over to a table and Alice said " i'll take a chocolate chip muffin as well as a French Vanilla coffee please " with the teen girl smiling and said " sure thing right up " before giving the order in . Then as Adam sat down with Alice he opened his phone before texting his parents " me and Alice are going out we'll be home soon " and then looked out the window at the people driving by and hoped that all this would be clear to him .

It was a few minutes before he heard that his order was ready and so he got up before taking the drink and cinnamon bun and sitting down as Alice went up to get her own order and so as they sat and ate Alice asked " so how does this whole being "unique" thing make you feel ? i say unique as that's what you are well to me and i can't see you being gay but no offense to LGBT people of course " which made Adam smile before sipping some more of his drink and then said " I have to say not too bad i mean i feel the same but now i know that i'm just not human you get it ? but overall it hasn't changed me in the sense of who i am as a person " and so Alice swallowed some of her muffin and smiled as she squeezed his hand before whispering " i'm glad as i don't want you to changer i like you the way you are " and they then finished their snack before heading out to the car .

A few minutes later on the way there Adam turned on " Monster " by Runaground which got a raised eyebrow from Alice who said "Hmm interesting choice of song i have nothing against it but i just didn't expect you to like this one " which Adam shook his head and said " it's cool i mean i get that it's not the most entertaining song but it's makes me feel peaceful or at least it sounds good that's it really " So as they headed to the mall they then headed to the two stores they wanted to go to which was the bookstore and then sports store and so as they bought some books they then headed to the sports store before buying some workout equipment before heading home.

Then once at home Adam went to take a nap before e then sat down for dinner and then ate his food before going to bed . 

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