Meeting the new gangs for Auriex's group

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 Now that the full extant of Auriex's plan was revealed to the team Adam and his friends were now keeping a eye on things while they planned out a series of attacks on the gang members of Auriex's organization as well as deal with Dante who was in the shadows and so as Adam was now sitting on his bed meditating he then felt a warm body sit down next to him but not disturb him and so he squeezed Alice's hand before she smiled at him and then joined him in his meditation session for the next few minutes before they then got up and kissed each other as Adam said " what's up ? you got a plan for today or something ?" with Alice smiling back at him before she said " nothing much just thought we could go out to the mall and see what we could do for today " with Adam kissing her back as he said " sure i would love to " .

Then he got dressed before they headed out to the kitchen and sat down as Adam poured them both some coffee before he sat down and said " So what do you want to go to today ?" with Alice sipping some of her coffee before she replied " first i want to check out the new place that has some cool jewelry before i go anywhere else and then maybe we can get some food or something " with Adam nodding in agreement before he said " ready to go ?" and Alice hopped up before she sat in his car and they drove to the mall before they were soon standing outside the new store which looked colorful and warm so Alice walked inside while her boyfriend stood outside . Alice picked up some new rings that looked interesting before she asked the man behind the counter " How much are these ?" with a raised eyebrow .

Then the man said in a friendly voice " They are 30 to 40 dollars as they have some interesting rumors surrounding them which involve them being from some ancient ruins or something " before she said " I'll take them please " and as she took out her credit card she said " Hey babe " as Adam came up to her and said " i'll be heading to the book store after this OK ?" before Alice nodded and thanked the man as they walked out of the store . As Adam walked through the bookstore he heard the alarm going off which alerted him to something and so he walked out of the store before he saw some guys dressed in armor and carrying some guns which seemed worrying to him .

So he stepped up before asking " What do you guys want ?" with the leader of the men stepping up as well and said " We want you little man " which alarmed Adam before he asked " Who sent you ?" with the man sneering and said " Nobody you need to worry about " and fired two shots which Adam caught before throwing them at the man's knees with force to keep them from hurting him before the man said " Get him " and Adam snapped his fingers before his armor formed and his sword appeared in his hand . Charging forward the man was shocked to find the blade cutting through his leg which left a little bit of blood forming on his armor and so the leader snarled before he then shot two more bullets at Adam who smacked them away into the trash so they would not hurt anyone.

Then he was smacking his enemy with the sword hard enough to knock him out and then he brought him over to the bench before he smacked him on the face with enough force to awaken him and said " what is your plan for being here ?" before the man spit in his face and said " We will never tell you punk " before screaming as Adam formed a shock gauntlet and sent the energy volts into his body with enough shockage to hurt him but not kill him . The man fell to his knees and said " alright i'll tell you what you want to know please just stop" before Adam knocked him out and said to Alice " let's bring him to the manor where we can interrogate him for info " with Alice nodding and so they then carried him to a bathroom before Alice teleported him to the manor.

Then they sat down with some coffee before Adam said " so did you have fun so far babe?" with Alice smiling before she said " yeah despite you getting attacked it's been fun so far " before she sipped some coffee and they smiled at each other before they then got up and headed to the car before they drove to the manor where they stood outside the cell as Sarah talked to the man who told her what Auriex wanted from them . Sarah walked out of the room and said with a sigh " It seems Auriex wants them to distract us so he can get what he needed for the Dark Soul Revival Ritual or something like that" which Adam looked worried about and so he said " So what should we do now ?" before Alice suggested " let's keep our eyes out for any other gangs while we try and keep Auriex from getting what he needs for the ritual " .

Adam nodded at this while Sarah said " OK i'm going to get some more info out of him while you guys go home OK ?" with Adam and Alice nodding before they drove home where they sat down with some juice and just relaxed in front of the TV while they talked about different things . Later that night Adam was sitting in the workout room as he then worked out for some time before he then did some meditation and then headed to bed as he was tired . 

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