The kidnapping and breaking out

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 It was the next week of April when the attack happened to Adam but first let's go to the beginning of the event which involved Adam standing in the shower as he was preparing for the day and as he washed himself down for the current few minutes Adam said to himself " I feel something about to happen yet i don't know what and yet it feels good for some reason " and so he decided to put the feelings to the side as he stepped out and got dried off and dressed before heading to his brother's room where he knocked and said " Bro i'm heading to the kitchen for some food what do you want me to make for you ?" and at that moment Connor got out of his bed with his head hurting before he said " Maybe some eggs and toast please bro " which Adam nodded at before he said " Sure thing bro i'll be in the kitchen " .

Then as Adam turned on the coffee machine and the stove while he had the food out on the counter the young man felt the whole feelings again in his body and so he shook his head as he told himself " Let's see what happens " before cooking the meal as Luke and Kara walked into the room and Kara hugged her son as he said " Mom do you feel like something is going to happen today or is it just me ?" with Kara looking over at her husband before she said " do you feel anything babe ?" and Luke shook his head as he replied " No i don't feel anything wrong " before Kara shook her head and said " It's probably nothing hon " and so she helped her son cook the food before Connor was done with his shower and so he sat down with a plate of food while Adam and Kara cleaned the plates .

As Adam was headed out of the door to the car he suddenly fell to his knees as a wave of pain struck him and to his shock he saw what appeared to be white and red flames strike his body which began to burn him and shocked him at his healing not working so he then got out of the driveway before he headed into the house and said " Dad Mom what's going on with this ?" before Luke saw this and cursed as he said " That's Blessed Fire it 's one of the three weaknesses that Shadow Beings have which are this fire , brute force as our healing can't take a absurd amount of it and finally ripping a Shadow Being's heart out " which Kara nodded at and said " Let's get you to where you need to go and i'll see if we can trace who attacked you " before Adam shook his head .

Then he said " I'm headed over to Sarah's so i'll see you later " and as he drove to his mentor's house suddenly the car was thrown to the side as a set of warriors came forward and the leader said " Adam Daniels please come forward and this doesn't need to be painful !". Adam shook his head in annoyance before forming a crossbow and then dashed forward while aiming down the sights and then fired three darts at the enemies in front of him which were soon struck in the torsos and fell back before Adam then created a whip made of chains and then struck out at the second batch of enemies which found themselves burning as Shadow Energy burned them from the inside out .

Adam stood in the middle of the destruction before he then snapped his fingers and channeled some energy into a reversal spell where the destruction was prevented and so as he was about to leave Adam felt his body seize up and he was soon knocked out before being taken into a jeep and brought to a warehouse where he soon found himself with two women in front of him . The first woman said " Look what we got here Adam Daniels you've been a thorn in our side boy " before Adam said " Well given what you're boss is up to it has to be that way " while trying to find a way out of the restraints he was in and so as the first woman who was named Dahlia said " Try all you like you can't get out of those and we'll be back to kill you " as they walked away before the door closed .

Adam closed his eyes as he used his energy to burn the restraints and then get up before he exited the room and then headed out through the hallway before kicking the crap out of each guard that was there . Eventually he reached the room where Dahlia and her friend was and then silently he knocked them out before looting them and then took a journal that was on Dahlia's body before he then found a jeep and then drove out of the warehouse before he met up with Sarah who said " Are you alright ?" in concern but Adam nodded and said " It was not that big of a fight " as he showed her the journal and said " I'm going to head home and then tomorrow we can go over this " with Sarah nodding .

So as Adam headed to his room when he got home he then fell onto his bed and took a short nap before he did anything else . Once he was done with that he then sat down for dinner and told his parents about what happened with Luke saying " They were not worth much trouble as i knew they were low level thugs but at the same time be careful " with Kara nodding and kissing her son's forehead before Adam got up and headed to the den before doing some writing and then headed to bed a little bit later. 

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