Aurora's resurrection

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 As the redhead came closer to Gemma and her allies spot Gemma dashed towards her and then slashed out with the first sword in her left hand before adding a second slash with the other sword which the redhead blocked before she knocked her enemy down and kicked her a few times before Alice sent a set of Shadow Sickles covered in magma at the redheaded warrior who dodged them and said " You are good Lord Auriex has said you have skills so why do you fight ?" with Alice smirking as she said " I fight to keep your boss from destroying what we love plus he wants to kill my friends and my love so i don't want to let him win and so i must stop you and your allies so please don't make me kill you " as she sent her hand into the ground .

Then she created several magma pillars to enclose the female swords woman who said " I can respect that but i will give my life for Lord Auriex and since you have shown me that you have a good reason for fighting against us i'll let you know my name which is Kira" which Gemma nodded at before she then created a pistol out of fire before shooting three bullets at Kira who was unable to dodge two of them due to the magma pillars keeping her from moving and so she gasped in pain before she said " I can't lose here you must be stopped " . At the same time Adam was running towards the side of the beast he was fighting before he then formed an axe and then slammed it into the shoulder bone of his enemy before ripping it out and then grabbed the leg of the creature before he then lifted it into the air and threw it onto the corner of the room which angered it .

So it charged forward before Adam got into his stance and then decapitated the beast which faded into dust and so Adam sighed as he felt sadness he had to destroy the creature before he then felt Sarah and Alice's energy so he then went to help them out and as he found them fighting alongside Gemma he said " You guys need help ?" with Gemma shaking her head and said " we got it but if we need help we'll let you know " as she sent a fiery axe at Kira who was knocked out and so Adam placed a set of chains on her arms before the girls said " Let's go find Connor " which Adam nodded at before they headed to where they sensed Connor's energy signature and so as they entered the room Connor was using his animals to interrogate a man with brown hair and green eyes .

So then as Connor said " Where can we find Auriex ?" the man smirked before he said " You'll never stop him but if you must he's at his personal part of the manor with the Tome " before he escaped and then Adam said " I know that he has the Tome , the blood , and the necklace so we have to stop him now!" as the others nodded and so they headed to Auriex's quarters while stopping anyone from hurting them . Once they reached the location Adam barged inside before he said to Auriex " Stop don't do this you don't know if it will work " as he saw the incorporeal being hold the items in a telekinetic grip . As Auriex smirked at him he said " Face it you lost i win " as he opened the Tome and flipped to a page where thee was writing on it and a image of what looked like a pit .

Then as he made a motion with his hand Auriex opened a portal in the ground before he slipped into it which Adam followed him though before they both stopped at what looked like the pit that the Tome was formed in and so Auriex began chanting the incantation while the pit began glowing before he said "Come Aurora join your mate !" as the necklace dropped into the pit and then a wave of power exploded out as Aurora's body fell onto the floor with her landing feet first before she said to Adam " I'm sorry but i must be stopped !" as she formed a ring of fire and sent it right at Adam . Adam dodged the fire and said " Alright you want me to stop you then i will " before charging ahead .

At the same time Alice and Connor as well as Sarah looked worried at this but Sarah told them " He will be fine have trust in him OK ?" with Connor nodding and Alice shaking her head in agreement before she said " Be safe babe " as she waited to see what will happen . 

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