Getting back to normal life

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 With the mysterious man's message about the threat of Auriex still in his mind Adam wanted to try and find new info about him and so as he was working out in his weight room for the morning before school Adam was gripping the pull up bar before he then lifted his body up and then pulled himself down with this being done for the next few minutes until his phone's alarm went off and so Adam then got up before turning the music off and then grabbed a towel before wiping the sweat off of his face and then headed to the closet in his room to grab a shirt and then his pants before heading to the shower where he then stood in the water as it hit his skin while he then washed himself off in the next few minutes with his music playing which was " Animal " by WOLVES which was a new song that Adam had found himself liking .

So then as he stepped out of the water the young teen headed to his room before getting some cologne onto his torso and then as he was dressed Adam walked to the kitchen before cooking some left over pancakes that were in a bag in the fridge and then sat down to eat his food before he noticed Connor walking into the room . Connor looked over at his brother before he said " You seem different or at least feel different to me you know ? like you got a different kind of aura which i don't know how to feel about " which Adam shook his head before he said " when i was in the hospital i was given a infusion of power by this guy and so i intend to use it to good use you know ?" with Connor nodding as he understood what he meant.

So as they were finished with their food the two teens headed out to the car before they were soon walking into the school and Adam then said " i'll catch you later ok ?" with Connor nodding and so they went their separate ways for now . Adam was listening to " Kill The Lights " by Set It Off while he was getting his books for the morning when he stopped and turned around as he thought he saw a woman in a red dress with a sultry look on her face staring at him before she said " Soon my love you will be reunited with me " which he gasped at before he then shook his head and then clenched his fists for a moment before he grabbed his books and then found Alice holding his shoulder with a worried look on her face as she said " you OK babe ? you seem concerned about something " before Adam shook his head .

Then Adam said " let's talk later i need to get my mind on my classes " which Alice nodded at and so they went to their early classes in the morning before it was time for Chemistry for Adam . As he sat down in his seat for Chemistry Adam opened his notebook and then proceeded to write down the homework for the class in his planner before Charlie sat down next to him and said " you OK bro ? you have some concerning look on your face and it's worrying " which Adam shook his head at before he whispered " It's nothing but i'll tell you later OK?" which Charlie nodded at and the class began . Once it was now time for Lunch Adam sat down with some food on his tray before he whipped out his notebook for Math .

He then worked on his homework for the class for the next few minutes as he wanted to get it out of the way due to his annoyance with the material as it was not one of his better subjects and as he finished it up Adam thought to himself " I wonder who that woman was as i get the feeling she's important somehow in this life " as Alice sat down and said " you look like you're thinking again can you tell me why?" before Adam sighed and said " When i was at my locker earlier i swear i saw some woman in the hall that seemed to want me for some reason but the thing is i don't know what you know ?" with Alice nodding . So they finished their food and then worked on their homework before heading to their final classes of the day .

Then as they were standing in front of Adam's locker he said " so what do you want to do after we finish our homework ? do you want to go to the cafe or something ?" with Alice shaking her head and saying at that moment " maybe we could just stay home you know ?" before Adam closed his locker and they were soon sitting on the couch watching some tv for the time being . As Adam then kissed his way down Alice's neck she giggled and then said "Babe that's ticklish " which made Adam smirk before continuing to do it until he stopped and they just cuddled on the couch .

Alice soon went home and so Adam worked on his writing before going to the dinner table and then sat down for dinner and as he ate his food he kept to himself before then heading to the den and then texted Sarah with " something happened to me today that i need to talk to you about tomorrow " and then finished his writing before going to bed . 

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