Training for the upcoming fights

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 As the aftereffects of the Prom attack were relaxing Adam was now studying for his exams and at the same time training harder and harder with his team to combat any other attacks that would be starting the war between them and Auriex's forces and son on this day which was the first day of the first week of June Adam was meditating in his room while he was also in his mind and so as he walked into the mental library he had in his mindscape he said to Aurora who smiled at him " So it's almost time huh?" with Aurora nodding in worry as she bit her lip and said " Yes but i know you and your team will do good and win but keep in mind there will be losses for both sides in some way OK ?" with Adam nodding .

So he sighed before sitting down and chatting with Aurora for some time about different things such as the attack on the prom and how she thought he looked that night which made Adam smile yet blush at the same time and so later on as he was in the shower after having finished his workout Adam thought to himself " I hope we don't have to sacrifice or do anything that would hurt us beyond what we can control " as he then dried off and headed to get changed before he had to go meet up with Sarah and the others . Later as Adam and Alice were looking at Connor and Sarah Sarah said " OK now we're going to do some training for the morning before we'll go get some food and then do whatever we can to prepare for this OK?" with the three teens nodding .

Then they got into pairs with Adam and Sarah facing each other while Alice and Connor went off to train with their abilities . Adam dashed towards the side of the room before he formed a crossbow and fired three shots at Sarah who rolled to the side as well and then formed two gauntlets before deflecting the shots and then lunged in to deliver three punches to Adam's torso in the next few minutes which Adam shrugged off and then gripped Sarah by the arm before throwing her to the ground and then got on top before he then punched her multiple times which Sarah blocked before kicking Adam off and then they grappled for some time as they struggled for dominance..

At the same time Alice was channelig her energy through a staff she was holding to increase it's power and strength while she struck a training dummy that Connor had created for her multiple times to see how hard she needed to increase her hits to make it bend or break while Connor was meditating and seeing what he could summon up next with multiple animals by his side and at the same time different traps were forming too as Connor wanted to see what he could come up with to incapitate his enemies and so once they were finished Adam said " Alright let's get some food ok ?" with Connor and Alice getting up and so all four team members headed out to the cafe before sitting down at their table and sipping on their drinks for the next few minutes while they chose what they wanted for their food .

Adam looked over at his mentor and said " Do you got anything you wanted to let us know on how we did the other day at the Prom ? i mean you probably have some tips or criticisms to give us" and Sarah nodded as she sipped her tea before she said " I do but they're not too harsh and i know you'll use these tips to your advantage ." before they had their food given to them and so as Sarah finished some of her pancakes she said " I have no doubt you guys will win our fight but we will talk about this later OK ?" with Adam and his team nodding before they finished their food and then headed to the jeep and then headed back to the manor before they sat down and then worked on their training some more.

Then Adam came home and then sat on his bed as he did some meditation for some minutes before he then got up and then headed to dinner for the night . As he sat down he said to his parents " will you be helping us with the fights against Auriex and his goons ?" before Luke looked over at his wife and said " Sure but we'll see if your grandfather can help us as well " and then they ate their pizza before Adam and Connor headed out to the workout room and then worked on their bodies for the time being as they wanted to get the energy out of them before they went to bed that night.

So as Adam sat down on the bench and then gripped the bar Connor said " You do realize that you might have to make a big sacrifice right ?" with Adam nodding as he said " If i have to then i will but i'll do my best to make sure i don't have to do that " and then finished his workout session before Connor did his own workout and then they went to bed that night . 

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