Aurora vs Auriex

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 As Aurora looked at her husband she said with a tone of worry and disgust " What am i supposed to say to you i mean you are trying to bring me back and use my skills to destroy this world which i will not do ! how can you look at yourself ?" before Auriex growled in rage and said " It's all for you my love haven't you seen how my life has been destroyed due to those Shadow Beings and their ridiculous culture ?" with Aurora scoffing at the stupidity of the words he had just said and replied " If you want me to be yours again don't even think about it i will never join you and hurt anyone i care about " as she charged her hands full of energy before slamming them into Auriex's chest which sent him flying out of the room and into the wall .

Then he said " Damn you ! how can you fight against your own husband ? am i nothing to you now ?" with hurt and rage in his voice before she said " You were once my husband you are now my enemy !" as she charged with her hand to hand skills coming to her at full force as she slammed some combos into Auriex's body which made him gasp before he then formed his sword and slammed it into her back which knocked her to the floor and as she got to her feet she said " You have been corrupted by your own past and while i admit i feel bad for you it doesn't mean you bring me back !" before grabbing his own sword and slashing him a few times "It also doesn't mean you try and have me destroy what is innocent and peaceful" as she gripped him and sumo tossed him into the wall .

Eventually Aurora formed a chain of energy before she sliced through Auriex's throat and said " I am done with you and if you even dare bring me back i will join Adam's team ! now go away " before impaling him and watching him fade into a mist which satisfied her but angered Auriex as he got out of his trance and said " Well looks like you want a divorce ? Fine bring it on Aurora " . At the same time Aurora sighed and said to Adam who had seen the whole thing " I don't want to fight him but he's a monster now and i need to help you stop him so you remember what to do if i am resurrected right ?" with Adam having a serious look on his face as he nodded and said " Of course you can count on me " as they walked out of there and Adam then woke up before taking his phone and texting his team to meet him at the diner .

As Adam sat down for some food that morning with Sarah and Alice next to him he said " alright now that Auriex has stepped up his attacks by getting my blood he will probably try and get your necklace babe " as he pointed to Alice who nodded and then he continued "so now we need to strike back and i mean hit him hard so i was thinking where can we hit him that will impact him " before their drinks came .. Sarah swallowed some of her coke and said " How about we strike at the manor and try to take out one or more of the higher ups in the group like i know we can take on Dariux so why don't we go and do that i mean if even if we don't win we at least damage their plans you know ?" before Adam nodded as he looked at his girlfriend who nodded.

So then he said " Ok when should we go ?" with Sarah thinking about it for the moment before she said " How about tonight or tomorrow ?" and the two teens nodded before their food came and they dug in for the time being . Once they were done Adam and Alice drove to the manor where Sarah was waiting for them and so as they prepared for a strong and hard training session Adam said " alright come at us full force OK ?" as he looked over at Sarah who nodded and said " is that alright with you ?" as she turned to look at Alice who also nodded and so the young woman charged at him before forming a pair of axes . Adam formed his gauntlets before blocking two strikes from Sarah and then as he rolled to the side he then leaped into the air before slamming his fist into Sarah's arm with enough force to hurt her pretty badly and cause it to break .

As Alice focused her power into her hands she formed the Shadow Sickles before throwing them at Sarah which allowed Adam to roll to her backside and then slash with a new set of swords he had formed at Sarah's back before she groaned in pain and then channeled some energy into her axes before throwing them at Adam and Alice who dodged them and then Adam threw his own swords at his mentor before they struck her and caused her to bleed somewhat and so she said " Good job guys " as they recovered from their session before Adam and Alice went to the cafe to get something to drink before heading home and so as they sat down Adam said " How do you think this will all turn out in the end?".

Alice was then shaking her head as she said " I don't know i know you have to fight Dante and Auriex and so i will be there with you " with Adam smiling before kissing her and they sipped their drinks before soon heading home . Adam sat on his desk chair as he wrote down new writing before he saved it and headed up for dinner for the next few minutes before he was soon falling asleep . 

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