Time having passed for now

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 As the next few days came and went Adam was studying for his tests that he would be working on for the last days of school before the break while at the same time he was also working on his abilities and had made new applications for them such as using his energy to create constructs for moving to higher places or creating shields and new types of weapons such as whips or naginatas as well as improved armor and swords for his usage in combat which he had been experiencing more due to Sarah having him fight her more and more during the days that he didn't have school or when he was done with his classes and so now as he stood shirtless in front of Sarah she attempted to sweep his legs under him before he sensed this and leaped back before closing his eyes for a moment .

He then created two daggers before he rolled to the side and held them in a tight grip. Adam then threw them out in a arc at Sarah who was unable to move out of the way and was struck in her leg before she gripped them and shattered them before thinking " He's gotten better but is also growing and i hope to keep him as a student and take him on different trips to improve his abilities" before forming a sword and charging towards Adam who formed his own sword and they clashed their blades together for a moment before leaping back as Adam swept his legs forward to try and get Sarah to fall on her knees which didn't work for the most part as she was able to roll to the side and end the fight with a slash to his chest and hold the blade at Adam's throat which made him smile and hold his hands up .

Then a moment later he said " Good job you beat me again " as he was standing up and dismissing his weapons before Sarah said " you're getting better so keep at it ok?" before she asked " can i get you anything to eat or drink or do you have to go home ?" with Adam shaking his head and saying " i have to go meet with Alice but i'll see you later " as he gave her hand a squeeze before heading out to the car and then texted Alice " meet you at the cafe ?" before putting the phone down and headed to the small coffee shop . As he sat down wih his drink and chocolate chip muffin Adam looked at his phone before he saw that Alice had sent " Coming into the cafe right now " and looked up to see her walk into the small cafe and so he got up before kissing her forehead and saying " you getting a drink or anything or do you just want to sit down and relax ?".

Alice said " i'm going to get some food before i sit down " and headed over to the line before moving up to the front . Once she had what she ordered Alice then sat down and sighed in relaxation as she said " man i needed this " and then ate her chocolate chip cookie which got her a raised eyebrow from her boyfriend as he said " really ? a cookie i mean i have nothing against that but i thought you might go for a muffin or something you know ?" with Alice smiling in a goodnatured way before shrugging as she said " i get it but it's something i wanted for the morning " as she took some bites of it . Adam just shook his head as he sipped the last of his drink before throwing it out and then ate the other part of his snack while watching his girlfriend eat her cookie.

At the same time as he did that he couldn't stop thinking " I can't believe this girl is all mine and not that i am possessive of her but i can't seem to think of anyone else being with her so yeah she is good to me and i can't let her go " which was evident on his face and so Alice held her hand out before snapping her fingers in a "wake up " motion which shook Adam out of his thinking and so he said " Yeah what is it ?" before Alice shook her head and said " i'm ready to go where should we go now ?" before he said " how about the park ? you know for some fresh air ?" which Alice smiled at and nodded before they headed out to their vehicles and before they knew it they were at the park . Adam sat down on the bench near the water fountain before Alice sat down next to him as the air breezed by them .

Alice then leaned into his arm while he said " How you feeling today? like i know you're not sick or anything but i just am wondering " and so Alice smiled before she kissed his cheek and said " i'm good and i'm happy for now " before they spent the next hour just sitting there and enjoying the time being. Soon Adam and Alice went home and so Adam spent the next hour writing before he then got up and went to the dinner table before sitting down and eating some Stew and as he ate his mind was on multiple things such as his girlfriend and their dates they had gone on .

But at the same time he was also thinking of his training and how he had improved before he finished his food and then headed back to the den before writing and then went to bed a while later . 

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