Dealing with the attack on the school and the aftermath

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 As Adam clashed his blade with the Fallen One's he growled in annoyance at this fool who was in his way before he slashed down his chest and then leaped back before forming two crossbows which had two arrows on them and so he thought to himself " Take this you dirty prick " before firing them at his opponent who dodged one shot but was not able to avoid being struck by the arrow which struck his leg and drew some blood which The Fallen One growled at and said " You got lucky but you'll lose here and i will help Lord Auriex win this fight " before he formed a chainsaw and dashed forward before he attempted to cut Adam in a critical spot which was avoided as Adam leaned back and kicked him up into the air .

Once that was done Adam was then throwing his sword into his foe's arm which was lodged there and as Adam leaped up he grabbed the blade before ripping it out with the blade taking the Fallen One's arm as well and so Adam pointed his blade that was not covered in blood at his foe's neck which made the Fallen One's mood turn annoyed before he said " This is not over " and then slit his wrist before using the blood to blind Adam for some time before fading away which Adam groaned at and said to Alice " I'm done with my fight i'll be there soon " as he then grabbed a bike and drove out of there before meeting up at the school .

Alice was sending magma blasts and shadow sickles at the enemies before she said to Sarah " How are you doing so far ?" with Sarah nodding in a cheerful way before she said "Good lot's of the enemies are dead by me but i see you are doing well too " with Alice grinning back at her before she saw her boyfriend come towards her with a relieved look on his face . Adam kissed his girlfriend on her forehead before he said " How things so far ?" with worry in his voice at the idea of his team members being hurt and Sarah said " we have not gotten too hurt how about you ?" before Adam said " I don't know about Connor hold on " as he took out his phone and sent to his brother " How you doing in all this commotion i mean have you helped getting the students out of the school ?" .

After he did that Adam turned to his girlfriend and mentor as he said '"let's go in and see what we can do " which both ladies nodded at and so they walked into the school before checking out the first few classrooms and seeing that they were empty which relieved them before they were suddenly attacked by four skeleton soldiers. Adam said " OK Sarah you handle the other two on the right while me and Alice will handle the other ones OK ?" and Sarah nodded as she moved over to the two skeletons that she would be facing before forming a whip made of energy and then whipped one of them as she slammed the skeleton into the ground with enough force to destroy it.

Then she moved over to help Adam and Alice if they needed it but to her amusement they didn't need the help as Adam was slicing through his own enemy while Alice was using her hand to hand combat skills to decimate the foe she was in front of . Once they were done Adam said " Come on let's get this over with before we go home OK ?" and they finished up the current goal for the time being before they were met with the principal who said " Thanks for helping us get the students out . Now can you tell us what happened ?" with worry in his voice which Adam nodded to and said " We have a enemy who wants to kill us but we are doing our best to stop him and i promise you we will make sure the school does not get attacked " with conviction in his voice.

The principal smile gratefully at him before he said " You guys go home we will deal with this " and so the three team members nodded before meeting up with Connor at the cafe for some drinks . As they sat down Connor said " I was able to get a lot of them out of the school but i don't know about the others how did you guys do ?" with Adam sipping some coffee before he said " We got most of the soldiers killed now we need to plan ahead for not only the prom but ending this conflict " with worry in his voice which Alice squeezed his hand to get rid of before she said " Let's deal with that when it comes OK ?" and the other three people in the table nodded at this before finishing their drinks and paying for them . Once at home Adam sat in his room and took a short nap before he then got up and then headed to the workout room .

When he got there Adam did some weight lifting while listening to some Disturbed for the next few minutes until Connor came into the room and stood over Adam as his brother did twenty reps with the bar while sitting down on the bench . The time went by as both brothers worked out until it was dinner time and so as Adam sat down and took some bites of his pizza Luke said ' We heard about the attack on your school is everyone OK ?" with Adam and Connor nodding as Connor said " I helped get the majority of the students out while the others dealt with the enemies " as he nudged Adam who nodded in agreement.

Adam then said " I helped out with getting rid of them with Alice and the others ". A few hours later Adam finished up his writing before taking a shower to help deal with the events of the day and then went to bed due to being tired . 

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