Meeting Aurora

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 As Adam looked over at Aurora who asked him " do you want to know what i need from you ?" he thought about it for the moment before he said " well it would not hurt to hear you out so sure hit me with it " with a smile on his face while he waved at her which made Aurora smile as well and so she said " i need you to try and find a way to keep my husband from bringing me back to this world as i refuse to be brought back and help him out with his revenge i understand that he wants to get back at the people who hurt him but at the same time he needs to let go of his anger and if he can't do that i need you to stop him from bringing me to your world OK ?" with Adam listening to her speak for the net few minutes.

Then he said " of course i understand and i would never want you to be disturbed so me and my team will do what we can to prevent you from being revived but one question : how does your husband think to bring you back i mean is there any spell or something ?" before Aurora closed her eyes and thought for a moment as two theories came to her mind before she said " I believe he either wants to use the Tome to bring me back as well as use it to ravage the world or secondly i think he will use a ancient ritual from the Order of the Sun known as the Dark Soul Revival ritual which brings a person back that is important to the user of the ritual and it will only activate if the user is from the Order ." .

So as Adam memorized all that he said " I think i'm going to wake now is there anything me and my group of people need to know ?" with Aurora thinking before she snapped her fingers and said "Hold on a minute " as she slammed her hand on Adam's chest as energy flowed into there and she said " I put myself into your heart so we can talk together OK ?" which made Adam nod with a smile before she then said " One last thing is that Auriex will do whatever it takes to bring me back and accomplish his plan so if you must fight me if i did come back please kill me and do something to help me rest in peace. Also kill Auriex as i know you would never hurt innocents but he is not innocent and so i will be OK with it " before she faded away into his body .

Then Adam got up before he concentrated in his mind and said " You there Lady Aurora ?" with her melodious voice replying " I am here Adam don't worry i will let your friends know what happened " before he went and did his morning routine before he was sitting down with his team as Alice asked " so what happened this morning you seem more awake about something ?" with Adam sipping some coffee before he said " Here's someone that wants to talk to you guys " as he said " here you go my lady " in his mind before Aurora sent a telepathic probe into their minds and said " Greeting you two " as Alice and Sarah looked worried . Aurora smiled before she said at them " It's OK you two i'm only talking through your mind so i'm not going to hurt you but i do want to tell you about what happened this morning " .

Alice was then asking " so what went on this morning ? i mean it must have been important to you if you could do this " and Aurora smiled at her in her mind before she said "yes it was as my husband is going to try and bring me back before he attempts to destroy the world so i am asking you two " as she was also talking to Sarah in her mind too "to help Adam stop him as if i am brought back i refuse to hurt anyone so i want him to stop me and my husband ." and so Alice nodded as she said " Of course i'll help prevent you from hurting anyone " with Sarah nodding as well and so Aurora left before Adam asked " so want to come home and watch some movies for some time ?" with Alice smiling at him before she nodded .

So then they headed out of the cafe before sitting down at the couch in the den and turned on the tv before watching some episodes of Supernatural on Netflix for the next hour . After that Adam went to take a nap as Alice had gone home but said to him that she would call him later and so he fell onto his bed before sleeping for some time and as he slept he didn't hear his mother walk into the room and brush some hair off of his forehead before kissing his head and walking out . Then Adam headed to the den before sitting down and then worked on his writing for some time as he had some new ideas that he wanted to put down.

So he created some outlines before he then saved them and headed to the dinner table where he sat down and listened to his family's talk about their days . Later that night Adam was texting Alice before he said " I'm going to sleep so i'll see you later " and then went to sleep as Alice had sent him " I love you " . 

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