Talking to Genevieve

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 As Adam was sitting in his room that morning while meditating for some time he was thinking on the events that were happening to him in the last few weeks with him suffering a shot to the torso as well as meeting Genevieve who was still confusing him on what she wanted and what she could do as a fighter and so as he got up he grabbed a towel from the basket in his room before also picking up some fresh clothes and then headed to the bathroom before he then turned on the water and took his shower for the next few minutes . As he stood in the water as it came down his body the young man thought " OK so first thing i should do is ask Sarah and Layla what they know about Genevieve and then make a plan before i do anything else " as he then got dried off and dressed before heading to the kitchen .

Then Adam took out the bread and eggs before cooking some fresh toast while he knew that his parents and brother were getting out of bed . Connor walked into the room and said " so what's going on now ?" with Adam replying as he handed his brother a plate of French Toast " nothing much just making breakfast before we have to go to school " which Connor nodded at before the two brothers sat down and the adults walked into the room as well and grabbed the mugs in the cabinet for coffee before making their breakfast drink and then Kara asked her son " you OK sweetheart? you have that look on your face " before Adam shook his head and said " yeah mom i'm fine but i have a question : do you know anything about a woman named Genevieve ?" with Kara frozen for the moment as she then turned to her husband.

She then said " How does he know her? in a whisper which Luke nodded to before he said " Son how do you know that name and has she tried to contact you or anything ?" with Adam shaking his head again before saying " I know her as she met me in my dream the other night and she said i can't stop Auriex's plans whatever they are at this moment " and as he finished his breakfast Adam said " Oh man we got to go see you later " as he grabbed his bag and both he and Connor headed out to the car before they were on their way to school . Once they were at school that next hour Adam then opened his locker before he then took out his books and thought to himself " OK so i have nothing to do after school so i need to go see Sarah for some more training as well as talk to her about some things that i feel need to be discussed " before he then closed his locker .

After that Adam then found Alice by his side and so he kissed her forehead before he said " you ready for class ?" with the young girl nodding and then said " sure thing let's go" before both teens headed out of the hallway and then were soon sitting down in their seats . The classes were soon over for the morning and so Adam headed into the cafeteria for lunch when he felt the same presence in the room again which meant that Genevieve was there for some reason and so he told himself " Be alert as we don't know what she wants or why she's here " before getting his food and then sat down for the next few minutes . As he wrote down some more answers to his homework in his notebook Adam looked up and saw Alice reading through her notes for her Chemistry test she had in the later classes of the day .

So he said " Studying hard i see ?" with Alice smiling at him before saying " yeah just want to keep on top of things you know ?" before Adam kissed her forehead and said " i'm going to get dessert " and so as he approached the snack line his arm was caught by Genevieve's hand as she said " Hey there stud i just want to talk that's all " before she snapped her fingers as the world came to a stop . Adam looked around in shock before he said " what do you want to talk to me about cause from what you been doing to me i don't sense you got good intentions " before Genevieve snapped her fingers again and two chairs appeared for them to sit on and so they plopped down in their chairs as the young woman said " You probably don't know this but i'm Auriex's wife and my intention is to get him to his strength again"

Then she sighed and said but i don't know what will come next so i'm saying tell your mentors and parents that a war is coming " before Adam shook his head and said " whatever " as the world came back to life and so he grabbed his cookie before sitting down and said to his girlfriend " nothing much happened i had a nice talk " . The day went by and so Adam sat at his desk working on his homework before he then headed to the dinner table for some food and then he worked on his writing before went to bed . 

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