Training for the upcoming fights

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 Now there was something that Adam didn't want to confront in his mind that had been there from the start of this conflict with Auriex and his forces which was the possibility of having to kill some of them and so as Adam stood in his bathroom clad in his sweats holding his razor while looking at himself in the mirror and at the same time peering into his eyes he saw the desire to spill some of the Order's blood and at the same time bring a end to Auriex and his twisted plans and so he finished shaving before he stretched his back out and then headed to the bedroom to get dressed for the moment as he had nothing to do for the morning .

So then as he stood outside of the room in the balcony he looked at the morning sky before he said to himself " You will not do it you're not a killer and if it come to it you will kill if it stops this conflict " which made him feel somewhat better and so Adam stood outside his brother's room which he knocked on the door and said " Connor are you coming with me to Sarah's house to do some training ?" Connor stepped out of his room and nodded in a tired manner but had some energy in his body and so both brothers were soon standing in the workout room in Sarah's house with the young woman looking at Adam as he told her what he was afraid of and so as Adam finished with his confession Sarah hummed to herself before she said " let's keep this on the back burner for now but if it comes up when we're in the field we'll work on it OK ?" with Adam nodding in understanding .

Then he sat down on the bench as Connor walked over to him and spotted for him for the moment . Once they were done Adam and Connor stood before Sarah as she said " OK now we'll go two on one to teach you how to handle multiple enemies i mean you guys know how to but you couldn't deny help would you ?" with Connor looking over at his brother before they shook their heads and got into their fighting stances with their weapons out . Sarah beckoned them forward before Adam leaped over Connor and slashed at Sarah with his blade while Connor rolled to the side and swept her legs out from her which was not good enough as Sarah had blocked it with her hand while stopping Adam's attack as well .

Connor leaped over her upper body to deliver a slash to her back which Sarah grunted at as this allowed Adam to grip her arm and wrench it back with enough force to hurt her but not break it and then throw her over his shoulder before Sarah rolled to her feet and said " good job guys now let's go full force " as she charged forward and engaged the two brothers in hand to hand combat for some time as she wanted to test them on their skills and so as they finished up with Sarah holding Connor by his arm and Adam having his throat held by her as well the young woman said " you guys should have no trouble " as they headed to the cafe for some food .

At the same time Dante was in the shower thinking about what will happen to him after the confrontation with Adam and as he put his hands on the door he sighed and said " It will kill me if we merge back together but we need to be one person " . Then as he dried off and looked into the mirror Dante's eyes flashed in confidence as he said " But i won't go down without a fight " as he fist pumped in the air before grabbing his clothes and getting dressed before popping himself onto his bike and then drove to the cafe before he walked into the small eatery and said to the woman behind the counter " Can i get a small cup of coffee please ?".

The woman was then smiling at him and said " Sure thing " as she walked into the area behind the counter and made his coffee . Dante sipped his coffee a few moments later before he got up and went over to Adam's table as he stood over them and said " I hope you are training hard as i want to have a good fight " with a smirk on his face which Adam nodded at before he said " Yeah we're working hard and we'll be there when the time comes " with Dante nodding and so he then went to his seat before finishing his coffee and then paid for it before heading out to his bike and then drove back to the manor before he then sat on his bed and did some meditation for some time .

Later as Adam sat in his room while he worked on his homework he was thinking " I wonder how strong Dante will be when we fight ?" before he finished his work and then put it away as he then laid on his bed and took a short nap due to being tired . Then later he then got off the bed before sitting down for dinner and then he ate his food before going to the den and worked on his writing before going to bed 

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