Taking Alice to dinner

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 Dante sat down on the bench in front of Adam and said " I want to know what makes you want to fight and stop what's coming ?" before he elaborated with " I noticed that you have a lot of things that help you out in your life and i want to know what drives you to fight against Auriex and his goons " and so Adam thought about this for the moment before he said " I have a lot of things that drive me to fight against them but the main two are the idea of being in peace for the next part of my life as well as being able to have a good life with my girlfriend and friends as i refuse to allow Auriex and his goons destroy the world or whatever they want to do so that's why i keep fighting " which Dante thought about for a moment before he said " I can see that but now i have to ask what will happen if i lose to you in our fight ?" with Adam thinking about it before he said " Not sure but we'll see when the time comes " which made Dante satisfied.

So he then said " See you later Other " before he then flashed out in a portal and then Adam sighed in annoyance before he got off the ground and then headed to bed for the time being . Later the next morning Adam was getting out of the shower and getting ready for the day when his phone went off with a message from Alice asking " Hey babe just wanted to see what you were doing now but i'll see you at school OK ?" with Adam nodding to himself and then sent back " I'll see you at my locker babe " before getting ready for school and then sat down for breakfast in the kitchen where Connor was eating breakfast while their parents were cooking breakfast . Luke looked up and asked his son " Hey son how do you like your pancakes ?" with Adam saying " Chocolate chip please " before he sat down and then took out his phone as he then sent Alice " Hey babe i'm just eating now but i'll meet you at school OK ?" before he took the plate of food.

Then he dug into his pancakes for the next few minutes while Luke and Kara cleaned up the items used for the cooking . Soon Adam and Connor headed out to their cars before driving to the school and as they walked into the hall where the lockers were Adam gave his brother a noogie before kissing his girlfriend's cheek as she stood by his locker and said " Hey babe what's going on ?" with a smile on his face which made her smile back and she said " Nothing much how it going for you ?" which he said " not much it's going good " and then took out his books for his classes. At that moment he felt a surge of affection as he looked down at his girlfriend before he softly kissed her and asked " Want to go out tonight just you and me ?" with Alice smiling eagerly before she whispered " of course " as they then walked into their classroom for the time being .

Once it was time for Lunch Adam and Alice sat down with their food before Adam said " so where do you want to go tonight ? maybe the diner or we can go to the pizza place or something ?" and Alice smiled for the moment before she thought it over and then said " how about the diner and maybe the movies later or whatever we want to do ?" with Adam nodding in agreement and they ate their food while working on their homework for that period . Once they were done Adam was soon standing at his locker before he said to his brother " Me and Alice are going out later so i'll meet you at home in a few minutes OK ?" which Connor nodded at and then they fist bumped before Adam and Alice sat in their cars and then drove to the house.

They were then getting out and then sitting down in the den while working on their homework for the next few minutes and as they worked on that Adam brushed a lock of his girlfriend's hair out of her face and then kissed her forehead before he asked " do you need to go home and get ready or do you want to go out soon ?" with Alice thinking it over before she decided to go home so she could spend some time with herself and so as she said " I'm going to head home " Adam smiled and kissed her again before Alice drove home and he then put his work away before taking a small nap . Later that night as Adam and his girlfriend were at the diner eating their food Adam said " i just wanted to say i have always enjoyed our time together so i hope you know that babe " with a smile on his face .

Alice returned the smile and said " I enjoy our time together too and i hope we can continue this for more times later on " before they finished their food and headed home where they then sat down on the couch and watched some movies for the time being with Alice's head on her boyfriend's chest while he stroked her hair and they were soon falling asleep for the next few minutes which Luke and Kara saw and they couldn't stop smiling at this so they pulled a blanket over them and left the room . Later Alice went home and then Adam finished his routine for the night before he smiled and went to bed as he had spent a lot of time with his girlfriend and enjoyed every time of it . 

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