Auriex revealed for now

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 As Dariux looked at the orb which contained his master's soul in front of him it seemed to emit waves of rage and hatred for a certain group of people which Dariux was not stupid to not know and so he was thinking " I hope that lord Auriex doesn't put that anger on me !" before he said " What can i do for you my lord ?" with the orb forming a body with arms and legs being created first and then the body was formed with the orb in the chest area while a head was formed with Auriex's hair and eyes which looked demonic and hate filled before he said in a cold and hate filled voice " I want that part of Adam Daniel's soul being watched as i don't trust him and at the same time i want you to find my weapons that i wielded in my former life now get to it !" with Dariux nodding in agreement before he walked out of the room .

After that Dariux headed out to his quarters where he took out a special book of spells that were useful to him before the old man said to himself " Quid opus est me inveniet umbra in mundo spirituum auxilio, quia hoc tempus!" and then as the spell took effect Dariux headed out to the street before his hand shot a ray of energy out which acted as a beacon for where Dariux's mission goals were . That next moment Dariux floated over to the store where the Fire Axe of Chaos was and then he entered the room before he looked at the clerk who was eating some gun and looking at a magazine before he muttered a sleeping spell and knocked the guy out before he levitated the axe to his body . Once he grabbed the axe he felt a rush of power as the weapon was forged in the Shadow World in the pits of Eternal Damnation which gave it the power to inflict very powerful paralysis and fire damage to the enemies of the wielder.

So Dariux headed out to the street before walking to the corner and then floated up with the Axe on his back before he searched for the next weapon which was the Blade of Anguish and Agony . Eventually Dariux found the place where the blade was located before he then shot towards a waterfall where he floated down to the ground and said to himself " I wonder how i can get it out of there ?" before he shot a rope of energy into the water and instantly found the blade before dragging it out of the waterfall . The blade was long and sharp at the same time with fiery runes on the hilt as well as a orb of dark fire in the middle of the hilt as well which gave it the fire abilities it possessed.

So then as Dariux then floated back to the manor he then sat down in the room where Auriex's spirit was and then said to his master " Lord Auriex i have your weapons right here my lord " as he held the blade and axe out before Auriex smirked with his mouth moving as if to say something before he took the blade and axe and said to himself " My beauties they are mine once again " and then placed them on the table next to him before he said " Now for the cursed Shadow Beings who live in this world to remember me !" as he held out his hand and formed a orb of power before it shot up into the sky and formed a pulse of power which struck at Adam's house in that moment as he was in the shower getting ready for his meeting with Alice .

So then as he gripped his mark on his chest with pain shooting through his body he said to himself " That was a harsh rush of power and i have no idea who did it " before he got out of the bathroom and headed over to the cafe to meet up with his girlfriend. As he walked into the small cafe he then saw Alice sitting down and so he walked over before kissing her forehead and saying " Sorry i am a little bit late but something happened to me earlier and i don't know what to make of it you know ?" with Alice smiling before she squeezed his hand and whispered " It's OK i get it tell me what happened ?" and Adam said as he looked through the menu " I was in the shower earlier and i had this feeling of power washing over me which made my mark on my chest pulse which made my body hurt so i don't know who did it but i want to tell Sarah about it as she might be able to help with it " and so their food came a few moments later so they stopped talking about it and dug into their food .

Later as Adam was driving to Sarah's place he was thinking " I hope this feeling i got in the shower is not too much to think about but i do have the suspicion that a certain someone was behind it in some way " before he then parked and Sarah hugged him before they walked into the library as Adam told her about the feeling he got . Sarah looked worried as she said " I felt that pulse too and i have a horrible feeling that either a certain book was found and used for some reason or that Dariux is behind it " with Adam thinking about it " Do you think there will be any side effects from being hit by that wave of power ?" before Sarah shrugged and said in a worried tone " I don't know but let's get to some training and keep our eyes out OK ?" with Adam nodding and for the next few hours they worked on Adam's spell skills and using his Shadow weapons in powerful combos .

Later that night as Adam was sitting down for dinner he told his parents about the wave of power he felt and Luke looked worried as he said " Me and your mother felt it too as it seemed to be targeted at Shadow Beings so let's keep our senses alert for anyone that could have caused it " which Kara nodded at and then Adam said " i agree as i don't know what will happen but let's go talk about something positive " before he finished his food and then the talk became a lot more happier . That night as Adam was in his bed asleep he woke up suddenly to find himself in his library in his mind with a man with a body of fire and a dark orb in his chest which was pulsing and a smirk on his face which to Adam's horror he knew who this being was as the young man said " You're Auriex !" before the being smirked and said " Yes now little Shadow Being i want to talk to you " . 

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