Meeting the man who knows about Lady Aurora

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 That morning as Adam and Alice were at the manor with Sarah looking through her books to see if there was anything in there about Auriex's wife the young man looked at his girlfriend who looked worried about something before he asked " what's up babe ? you have that look on your face " with the young woman sighing and said " I don't like feeling sad for Auriex with his wife being dead i mean i know that's kinda what's driving him but at the same time he's trying to kill you and our group as in you me Sarah and Connor as well as your parents and the innocent people on this planet and so i don't like feeling that you know ?" before Adam nodded and kissed her forehead as Sarah said " It's OK to feel that way as i would feel bad for you if it happened to you and Adam but don't let that get in your mission OK ?" .

Alice nodded as they put the current books that they were reading away before Adam asked " so if Auriex wants to awaken his wife in this world from the dead how do you think he's going to do it ?" with Sarah shrugging and said " i know someone who might help us so let's get ready before we meet up here and then we'll go out to find the person i know " as Adam nodded and together with his girlfriend headed out to the diner for some food before they would get home and then meet up with Sarah and so as he sat down at the table with Alice right next to him Adam asked his girlfriend " how you feeling about this babe ? i mean this must be new to you since we're not fighting anyone right now and just relaxing " with Alice shaking her head and sighing in relief for that moment .

Then she said " yeah i mean it does feel somewhat weird but at the same time it makes me happy we're not being attacked or being almost killed so let's keep this going for now " as they ordered their food and drinks before Adam took out his phone and texted Connor to tell him about what they were doing . Connor was sitting in the bedroom with his laptop on the bed next to him with his phone on his lap as well while he was listening to some music and checking some movies that looked interesting to him so as he put the laptop on his lap he then checked the other movies that came out that seemed like good ones to him before his phone went off and so he picked it up before reading " Hey bro it's me look me and Alice will be with Sarah so if you need me hit me up on my phone OK ?".

Connor nodded to himself before he wrote back " sure thing bro i'll be in the house mostly but i'll also be at the cafe in a while " and then put his laptop on sleep before getting dressed for the morning . As Alice finished her coffee while eating some of her eggs and bacon she looked over at Adam who was digging into his pancakes for the time being before she asked " how much are you going to eat now babe ?" with Adam shaking his head and said to her " i don't think i'm going to finish them so i think we might need a box for me " before he swallowed some coffee and said to the waiter that he would like a box before also taking out money for the check . Once they were done with that Adam and Alice headed to their houses before getting ready in those few minutes .

So then as they drove to the manor Adam was not worried about anything but he did want to keep a good eye on anything that seems to spring out of them and so both teens headed towards Sarah before she said " alright now we need to go to this small shop by the bar that Dante was seen at and then meet up with my friend before we do anything else " and so they all hopped into the jeep before heading out to that part of the city , So as they stopped outside of the store Adam helped his girlfriend out of the jeep before Sarah headed into the store and said to the owner " Hey Scott how you doing ?" with the man in the back of the counter who had black hair and grey eyes smiling at her .

Then he said "I'm good how are you guys doing ?" before he looked over at Adam and said " Is this him ?"before Sarah nodded and said " yes this is Adam now we need to know more about Auriex's wife cause he's coming back and wants to bring her back as well " which Scott nodded at before he said " follow me " and they headed into the back of the store before Adam and Alice saw a table with a bunch of books on it and some seats and so they sat down before Scott sat down and said " Now to understand what happened you need to know about what happened to Auriex when he fell in love with Lady Aurora ".

Then he held out one of the books before it opened and showed a image of a beautiful young woman with red hair and blue eyes that seemed to have a serene look on them before Scott said " But know this it will not be pretty for you guys " as he sighed and began to tell the story . 

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