Finding the weapons of the Shadow Lord

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 As Sarah stood in front of Matthew with Adam and Alice standing next to her in the interrogation room she smirked at the young man before she said to them " Let's see who has been empowering him " before she smacked him across the cheek which angered him and so he said " What the hell was that for lady ? do you know who i am ?" with Sarah smirking again as she said " Kid i don't give a crap who you are all i want to know is who made you powerful yesterday ?" with Matthew sneering as he said " I don't know but i want it again as i can finally get what's mine " as he leered over at Alice who frowned in anger and said " I'm not a object or a trophy i am a person you annoying loser " with Adam nodding and so Matthew tried to get out of the chair before Sarah said " Now let's see who was doing it" and then held her hand up to Matthew's head.

Then in the next few minutes found that it was Auriex's voice that he heard before he had gotten strong . So as she shook her head Sarah said " It's our enemy that was doing this now we need to erase his memory to make sure he doesn't tell anyone that we don't like about this " and so she muttered something before Matthew fell into a unconscious state and then they dropped him off at the park before heading to Adam's house where they sat on the couch in the den and Adam said " That guy really annoyed me in that he thought of you as a trophy and a object you know ?" which Alice nodded at before she kissed him and said " I will never leave you for someone else you know that right ?" and Adam kissed her before they cuddled on the couch . Alice turned to her boyfriend and asked " I have a question that i don't know what you'll say to but if it's too personal or anything just let me know OK ?" and Adam nodded as he said " sure hit me with it ".

Then Alice said " Has there been any time since you learned about who you are that made you want to go all out in killing someone ?" and as he thought about this for the next few minutes he said " Not really i mean i think it's cause i don't have the dark instinct to do it plus i am not that kind of guy so i don't really enjoy the thought of it unless i have to do it you know ?" which Alice nodded to before she leaned back and hugged Adam for some time before she got up and said " i'm going to go home but i'll catch up with you later " with Adam accompanying her to the door and he said " sure i'm going to see if Connor and Charlie want to hang out " .

So then Alice drove home with Adam sitting in the den working on some new ideas for his writing before he looked up and saw Connor and Charlie walking towards him with what looked like papers in their hands . Adam asked "what's up ?" and Connor said " well we've been working with Sarah for the last few hours and we seemed to have found a place where there seem to be ancient relics and weapons that Shadow Beings have used in the past so i thought we could go and check it out " before Adam said " i'm up for it let's go talk to Sarah and see what happens" and so as they headed out to the manor Adam asked " do you know what these items are ?" with Connor shaking his head and said in a unknown voice " not really but whatever we find must be powerful right ?" and Adam nodded before pulling into the manor.

Then they were soon meeting with Sarah before she said " OK i found the small shop where the relics and weapons are so let's get ourselves ready before we head out as we don't know what will happen " with the three men nodding and so they did some meditation before driving to what seemed like a small antiques shop and then walked into it before Sarah said to the owner " Hey Zack we heard that there were some relics and weapons here that could be useful and so we wanted to see if we could use them if that's alright with you ?" and the man who was around 40 or 50 years old with a little bit of hair on his head said " Sure thing just walk around and see what draws you guys OK ?" before he walked to the back of the shop and then worked on some paperwork .

Adam and the others walked through the store and at first didn't feel any auras from the items until they felt a strong aura from four items and so as they walked towards them they saw a small medallion with what looked like a molten red stone in the middle , a ring with a green stone that looked like it was glowing , a small dagger with writing on it that looked sharp as hell and finally a sword with a reddish blackish blade that seemed to glow with energy . Adam asked " What are these and why do they seem to draw us towards them ?" before Zack said " They are the sacred items of the Shadow Lord which was one of the most powerful Kings that ruled the Shadow World and before he died he placed a seal on them that would activate if there were Shadow Beings worthy enough to wield them and it seems you two " pointing to Adam and his brother " are worthy so take them and wield them well " before he walked away.

Sarah said " Take them and we'll see how they work in the field " with the two brothers holding one item and weapon before they headed to the manor before they put the weapons away and then did some training before Adam and Connor went home and had dinner . After dinner Adam was meditating before he saw in his hands the blade and medallion and so he said " This is cool " before falling asleep . 

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