Gemma meeting Adam and his team

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 As Gemma was sitting in her quarters that day while she meditated to clear her mind she was also thinking of the young man who was invading her mind due to her fight with him and the fact was that she wanted to get to know him and see why he wanted to fight against Auriex and so as she got dressed in her usual combat gear she said to her squad mates " I \'ll be back soon OK ?" with her friend Hailey nodding and said " OK please be careful " which Gemma nodded at before she hopped out and then grabbed her keys before she placed herself in the jeep that she drove and then headed out to the cafe where she then sat in the seat for some time.

Then as she waited for the right time to go in she then thought to herself " OK you can do this it's not like he will attack you or anything " and then headed into the small eatery before she asked the waitress " Hi do you know where i can find Adam Daniels ?" with the woman smiling at her before pointing at Adam who was sitting with his team before she said " Right there hon" and Gemma smiled back before walking over to the table where she said " Hey i was wondering if i can sit with you if that's OK ?" and Alice looked up at her before smiling and nodded as she replied " Sure i have no problem how about you babe ?" as Adam sipped his coffee before he said " Sure please have a seat.

Gemma placed herself down on a seat and then said " So what can i know about you? i mean you helped me out in the previous fight and so i want to see what reason you have for fighting Auriex " with Alice sipping her drink before she said " well i am in this fight due to my necklace being needed for Auriex's plan to work as well as me being with Adam here " while nudging her boyfriend who chuckled before he said " Well due to me being a Shadow Being i am being targeted by Auriex and so i want to make sure i don't lose anyone special to me you know ?" with Gemma who had accepted a cup of tea from the waitress said " yes i do as i would never want any innocent people to get hurt or killed " before she sipped some tea .

Adam looked over at his girlfriend before he said " So if i am able to ask why are you serving under Auriex i mean i don't think you have a evil reason or anything and i guess you have a justifiable reason right ?" before Gemma nodded with a sad look as she said " Yes my mother was targeted by Auriex due to my skills in combat and so if i had not joined him she would have died but in the end she are dead now " with Adam squeezing her hand and said " I understand and hope you can find peace after this " with a smile on his face which Alice did too before Gemma smiled back as she said " thanks i appreciate it and want to say i will not be hurting you anymore " . Adam smiled softly as he said " I could feel that you would never hurt me or at least let me go with Auriex when we fought and i would like to be allies " with his hand on her hand which made Gemma beam at him .

So then they sipped their drinks for the next few minutes before Sarah was coming towards them with a look of worry on her face and as she came forward with a letter in her hand she said ' Hello who's this ?" with a raised eyebrow before Alice said " This is Gemma she wants to help us in our fight against Auriex is that OK with you ?" and Sarah nodded in agreement as she sat down before saying to Gemma " I have nothing against you and i would like to see you help us so I'm Sarah " as she held out her hand with Gemma shaking it before Sarah said to Adam " I got this from your grandfather " as she gave him the letter before he raised his eyebrow and looked through it . Adam saw that it said that Dariux wanted to meet with Adam and his team to discuss something.

So he turned to Alice and Sarah before he asked " you guys want to meet with him ? it might be a trap "with Alice biting her lip before she nodded and said " I think this might be good for us in some way " with Sarah agreeing with her and said " Yeah i mean if it is a trap we can handle it " and so Adam said " OK we'll meet with him " before putting the letter down and they finished their drinks . Later Adam and Sarah along with Alice were training with Sarah saying " So Gemma seems nice " with Adam dodging some of her blows before nodding and said " yeah i think she could help us a lot " as he struck her back with his own blows before they finished up and then Adam headed to the shower due to being tired and hurt.

Gemma was now sitting in her room with her friend Hailey chatting about different things before Hailey said " so you met with Adam and his team huh?" with a grin on her face and Gemma smiled back as she said " yeah they're good people and i don't want them to get hurt in the upcoming fight " before Hailey said " we need to meet up with Auriex " and Gemma turned her face into her "Game Face" and so they headed out to the meeting place . 

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