Alice's worrying about Dante

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 With her meeting with Dante fresh in her mind Alice was standing in her shower washing herself off after having done some exercise in the morning with having done some light jogging as she enjoyed the exercise which kept her health up and made her feel good and so as she finished washing herself off and then stepped out of the shower Alice thought to herself " I wonder what he wants with me or why he wanted to say hi to me at all ? i mean it's probably just friendly behavior and if it happens again i'll let Adam know " as she then got dressed and walked out to the kitchen before sitting down and eating some toast with peanut butter on it as her family came into the room . Before she got up she kissed her mother's cheek and said " i'll bring Adam over later OK? " which her mother smiled at and said " that's fine sweetheart we can't wait to meet him " .

After heading out of the house she then headed out to her car before driving out of the driveway and onto the road to school . Once she reached the school she then parked before heading to her locker and opened her door to get her books out for the next few seconds and as she was about to close it she felt a hand on her wrist and so she snapped to slap whoever was touching her only to find her boyfriend standing next to her with a raised eyebrow and so she said " Jeez Adam you scared me " before Adam smiled and kissed her forehead as he said " OK sorry about that i was just wondering why you seemed so wierded out about the other day " and so Alice said " can i tell you at lunch ? it's kinda weird and i want it to be just us when i tell you " to which Adam nodded and said " sure now let's go to class OK?" and so Alice grabbed her boyfriend's hand as they walked to their classes for the morning .

Alice was soon heading to her final class of the morning which was Algebra and so as she sat down in her seat and opened her notebook to take out her homework her other best friend Cassie said " Hey what were you and Mr Handsome talking about at your locker if may ask ?" with a grin on her face and this caused Alice to face palm at her friend's nickname for her boyfriend before she responded with " First can you stop calling Adam that and secondly it's personal " to which Cassie lost her grin at and said in an apologetic voice " sorry i just didn't know but when you want to tell me i'm here " and so Alice smiled before the class started . Once the class was over Alice met up with her boyfriend before they sat down and began to eat their food for the next few minutes at lunch.

Then as Adam took a bite of his burger he asked " So what did you want to tell me that was so important ?" with a raised eyebrow and as Alice swallowed her chicken sandwich she then said " well the other day at lunch i was getting some ketchup for my fries when this guy came up to me and introduced himself to me with the crazy thing being that he looked like you " then Adam said with his eyes being narrowed " OK so i think i know that this guy is the same guy i keep seeing in my mind so let's keep a eye out for him and see if i need to have a word with him " before Alice said in a calm voice " yeah and just be careful " as they got up and threw out their food before the bell rang . The day was soon over and so Alice kissed her boyfriend before saying " i know you're going to work out today with Connor so i'll see you later " and then headed out to the car before Adam grabbed his bags .

He then walked down to the locker room before he got changed and then met up with Connor who was doing some stretches for the moment before he said " so i heard you and Alice were discussing something important is it secret?" with a raised eyebrow before Adam shook his head and replied " it's nothing bad just something she wanted to tell me now let's do this " as he grabbed the weights on the rack before picking them up and as his earbuds played " Scars " which was the first song on his playlist Adan then did his first set of twenty reps with the weights before he then put them down and let his arms go back to normal before he then did the same thing again for another set of reps for the next few minutes .

Once he was done Adam put the weights back before he then headed to the pull up bar and then grabbed the bar before doing twenty more reps with the bar as he pulled himself up and down with his arms flexing and his muscles feeling good after a while . Meanwhile Connor was sitting on the leg machine where he had his legs on the end of the machine while he grabbed the lever and then pulled himself forward and back with the exercise making his legs feel more better before he got off and asked Adam " when do you want to go home ?" with Adam suggesting " how about now ?" before they both headed to the locker room and got changed before heading to the car and then drove home.

Once at home Adam then sat down in the den and worked on his homework and his writing for the time being before he then headed to the bedroom for a quick nap . Once he was up Adam headed to the dinner table before sitting down and eating dinner before going to finish his writing and then texted Alice for some time before going to bed . 

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