Getting a job for now

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 Eventually it was now time for Christmas and so as it was the last day of school before the start of the holidays Adam had gotten his gifts for his family and girlfriend and so he was now doing his workout in the morning before he would be getting ready for his last day of school with his last bit of exercise being his reps on the pull up bar and as he finished up with that Adam then got down before wiping his brow off of any sweat and then grabbed his water bottle before he drained it for a while and then headed to the bedroom before he grabbed his clean clothes that he was going to wear for the day before he then went to the bathroom and turned on the water before getting out of his sweaty clothes and then stepped into the water before getting washed down .

As Adam was soon washing his hair with shampoo for the moment he thought to himself " Man this will be a interesting Christmas i hope it will definitely be fun " as he stepped out of the shower and then dried off before he got dressed and then headed to the bedroom where his bag was before picking it up and then headed to the kitchen before standing in front of the stove and cooking some eggs and toast for the morning before putting the food on plates as Connor walked into the room and sat down . After putting the food in front of him as well as his own seat Adam sat down and said " so you ready for Christmas ? i mean what do you think you got from mom and dad ?" before Connor shrugged and said " i don't really know i just told them to surprise me " .

Adam was then nodding and said " yeah i told them the same thing so i hope there will be some interesting stuff " before they both finished their food and headed out to the car before driving to school . Adam was soon standing in front of his locker later that morning and was holding some of his books before he said to himself " so after school i have to go to the mall and then get some stuff while checking out anywhere for a job before i go home then " as he then closed his locker before kissing his girlfriend's cheek as she said " so what are you doing later today babe ?" with Adam saying " i have to check out some places in the mall for any jobs as i want to get my own money you know ?" which Alice nodded at as she also wanted to get a job as well even thought she has time and so they walked to their classes for the morning which passes quickly .

Adam sat in Chemistry that morning before it would be time for Lunch and wrote down notes for the day until Charlie said to him " so what are you and Alice doing for Christmas ?" with Adam looking up and said in a whisper "Probably just stay at home and hang out you know ?" with Charlie nodding before they left the classroom a minutes later and then Adam sat down in his seat at the lunch room before he then opened his soda can and then began to work on some homework before he looked up and saw Alice sitting down next to him with a raised eyebrow as she said " you OK ? you seem like you're thinking about something hard " before he said " It's nothing that you need to be worried about babe i'm just thinking about what job i would like to get you know ?" .

Alice was then kissing his cheek as she whispered " don't worry you'll do great i know it " as she swallowed some fries before digging into her sandwich which made Adam smile and he squeezed her hand before they finished their food . The day was soon over and so as Adam was now standing in the mall later that day with Alice standing by his side and then as she said " i'll be around OK ?" Adam nodded in return before she left his side and then went to do her own things with Adam walking through the stores and looking around for what he needed for the day . Eventually Adam stood in the middle of the Books For Everyone store which was one of his favorite places to go and then as he held some books that he wanted to get he asked the woman behind the counter as he wanted to pay " Hi i was wondering where do i go for hiring ?".

Then the woman smiled at him in a pleasant way as she said " right back here dear "and then pointed behind her to a young man with a bunch of papers and a set of glasses on his face . So Adam after having paid for the books smiled again and said " Thanks " before walking up to the guy and asked " Hi is this where i can sign up for hiring ?" as the young guy looked up and nodded with a happy smile on his face before saying " sure my name is Rick and i'm one of the managers for this store would you like to come with me and we'll get you the papers " before Adam nodded and later they were shaking hands as Adam said " cool i'll fill the papers out online and then come back in " with Rick nodding in return.

He then said in a friendly voice " sure thing can't wait to work with you " before Adam left the area and found Alice a while later . They kissed and then Adam said to his girlfriend "So i got a job at the bookstore " which got a smile from Alice before she said " great now what do you want to do like do you want to get some food or something ?" with Adam saying " let's go home ok ?" and so as Adam and Alice sat on the couch and watched some tv Adam placed his head on her lap and Alice smiled before stroking his hair as she said to herself " I think this is the best moment I've had with him so far " before it was dinner time.

So as Alice went home Adam went to dinner before a while later he sat down and played some Mortal Kombat on his Xbox for some time . Once that was done Adam finished the rest of his homework before going to bed . 

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