Dante getting the next crystal

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 Once Adam and his team were now with the crystal in the manor Adam said " OK now what do we do ? i mean we have this item but do we go get the second one ?" with Sarah shaking her head as she replied " I think we might need Dante to do this as he is your dark side so he might be able to get it " with Dante forming his body into the room before he said " You guys need me ?" with a smirk on his face as he leaned into his chair and sipped some coke for some time . Adam sighed in annoyance as he said to his dark half " We were wondering if you can get the next item we need to prevent Auriex from successfully using the Dark Soul Revival ritual ? " with Sarah saying " we can help you if you need it but we know you can probably get it without much trouble " .

So Dante said " What do you need ?" with a raised eyebrow before Sarah said " We need this " as she took out a image of a crystal that was blackish instead of lightish like the other crystal they had gotten . Dante looked at the image for some time before he said " Alright do you have any way i can find it ?" with Sarah shaking her head and said in sadness " I can only tell you it will possibly be in the area around the shopping area of the city so i would search there OK ?" .Dante nodded and so he pulled out his keys before he then hopped onto his bike and then drove to the shopping section of the city while the rain poured down on his body with his mind going to one particular thought which was " What does Auriex want with that ritual i mean unless he needs to bring someone back ?" as he then parked.

After putting his keys away Dante then headed into the first shop which was nice and friendly but somewhat small . As the young dark being looked around the shop he saw some items that looked like the had been brought over from different sections of the world and so he asked the man behind the counter who looked up and smiled at him " Hi do you have any crystals or anything i could see i mean i'm not trying to buy anything i just want to look around you know ?" with the man smiling in understanding as he said " sure thing come to the back and i'll show you what i got " which made Dante relax and so they headed to the back of the shop which was full of items that the shop had just gotten a couple of days ago .

As they stood in the room a moment passed before the man held out his hand and said "Frank Martin what can i call you ?" with a raised eyebrow before Dante smiled and took it as he said " Dante i have no last name it's a personal reason you know ?" with Frank nodding before he waved his hand and said " Take a look i'll be in the front OK ?" and Dante nodded in agreement before he took a deep breath and walked to the first box that had a sign on it that said " Brought in from a small set of ruins that are in the edge of the city " and so as he then opened it Dante found what looked like some rocks and other items such as a cool looking knife that looked interesting to him but Dante knew this wasn't what he was after and so he closed the box before heading to where he could sense some items from there as it was in the corner of the room.

So he opened the box to find some orbs that were glowing before he found what looked like the crystal that Sarah had shown him and so he picked it up before he put it in his bag and then said " Thanks but i have to go " and so Frank said " If you need anything i'll be here " with them both shaking hands before Dante was driving out of the shop and was then attacked . Dante rolled to a stop as he saw several soldiers walking towards him with their weapons armed and the leader said " Give up Dante or we will shoot " with the young man smirking before forming his swords and then charged forward before slashing through them and then said " God that was annoying but i'll probably be attacked some more today " as he got back onto his bike and then drove away to the bar that he usually frequented .

Then as he sat down he asked " Can i get a coke please ?" with his money on the table before the waitress nodded and brought over a coke which he said " Thanks " and sipped some before taking out his phone and then sent " I have it i'll meet you at the manor " to Adam and then finished his drink before heading out of the bar and then drove to the manor before he then knocked on the door and then said " I have the crystal " with a smirk on his face before taking out the crystal which made Sarah smile and so she said " Great thanks " as she let him into the manor and so they sat down with the others in the kitchen before Dante said " I got things to do but if you need me you know how to summon me or call me OK ?" with Adam nodding and patted Dante on the back before he faded away.

Then Dante sat down at the bar again . At the same time Aurora walked into the bar and smiled at Dante before she said " Hello Dante i'm Aurora and i want to talk to you is that OK ?" with Dante sipping his coke and said " Sure i know you're Auriex's wife who is fighting back against him so i'll help you ". Then Aurora smiled and sat down next to him . 

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