Adam vs Matthew

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 As a new day was coming up in a house by the high school a young man was stewing in anger at the idea of Alice Knight not being in his arms and so as he got up and headed to the bathroom for his morning routine he looked in the mirror and saw a young man with brown hair and green eyes with a self important and smug look on his face as well as a air of " I'm the most important guy on earth" around him and so he took his shower before getting ready for school with his mother walking towards him with a plate of food and saying at the same time " Matthew honey i know you're upset that that girl has turned you down again but you need to stop feeling pity for yourself and see that there's good things in your life right now !" with a stern look on her face .

But Matthew sneered at this and said " Please she should be lucky i am giving her attention plus i know Dad would say the same thing now get out of my way " as he pushed past her and didn't even take the food before he headed to school with a younger girl stepping next to the woman and squeezing her hand as she said " Don't worry mom i love you even if he doesn't so let's get some food and we can talk later OK ?" with the woman smiling and nodding at her younger child . Matthew was stopping at a young woman's house and as the front door opened a girl with black hair and blue eyes stepped out of the house and smiled at Matthew who nodded back at her before she sat down in the car and said " Hey babe what's up for today ?" with Matthew sneering as they headed to school .

On the way there he said " I had another bad dream where i had to watch that moron Adam Daniels with that hot babe Alice and it was infuriating as i hate the face she is with some loser who can't seem to get the fact that she should be with me or at least someone who's good looking " and as she heard this the girl who was named Lucy scowled at him and said " you really need to let this go babe i mean he has not done anything to you and i don't like you being a jerk so if you can't seem to let this go we are through " as she grabbed her bag and headed into the school . Matthew looked annoyed and walked to his locker with a scowl on his face and as he passed Adam and Alice he knocked Adam to the ground and said " Watch it freak " .

As he looked at Alice he smiled in what seemed to him a charming manner before saying " Hi Alice you look great " which annoyed the redhead before she said " Hi now please leave and stop hurting my boyfriend " as she made a shooing motion with her hand . Matthew glared at Adam who smirked and placed his hand on Alice's shoulder as he said " Now leave us alone or i will go to the authorities " as they walked to their classes for the day . Later on that morning at lunch Matthew stood on the lunch line with Adam in front of him and so as he got his food he said in a harsh whisper " Hey! you punk " at Adam who glared and said " What do you want ?" in an annoyed tone with Matthew smirking as he said " What will it take for you to give up Alice and leave her alone ?" which got Adam angry and he said " Nothing go away Matt or i will get angry " .

So as Adam sat down at his seat Matthew got very angry as a voice said " I can give you power only if you kill Adam Daniels " with Matthew smirking and said " Sure thing " . Later that afternoon as Adam was about to head home from school and he was standing at his locker Matthew came up to him and slammed him against the wall of lockers before he demanded " You me fight now !" with Adam pushing him away and said " No now stop this you're annoying " before Matthew glowed with energy as his veins were filled with power and so Adam shook his head before he said to his girlfriend " I'll see you in a while " before Alice said " I'll be waiting ok ?" .

So Adam shook his head and said " What is your problem you crap head ?" with Matthew growling as he said " You don't deserve her ! I am more better for you than you a loser are so here 's the thing you will lose and i will get your girlfriend " . So both men charged at each other before Adam grabbed Matthew and threw him against the wall of lockers before he slammed some punches into his head and then kicked him in the back before he grabbed his foe's arm and broke it as he then lifted Matthew up and threw him to the side of the hallway where the young man rolled and got to his feet before he then charged forward and then the two teens clashed with their fists grappling each other for the next few minutes .

Adam eventually said " You won't ever get Alice " before he headbutted Matthew and then as he fell unconscious Matthew thought to himself " How can i lose even with this power ?" before he fell to the floor and Adam texted Alice to say " I'll meet you in the car " as he then grabbed Matthew and lifted him before throwing him into his car as Alice came up to him and said " What happened ?" in a worried tone . Adam smirked and said " Nothing bad but i beat him so let's bring him to Sarah so she can do something to him " .

So as they stood outside the interrogation room Sarah said to them " I erased his memories so he has no memory of using the dark power as well as not being obsessed with Alice " which made the young woman sigh in relief before they headed home and then Adam kissed his girlfriend before they laid on the couch watching TV before they fell asleep . 

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