Adam's first date and first bout of soul pain

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 The next day came up and so Adam was sitting in his den working on some writing while at the same time listening to some music to keep his mind on his current task as he didn't want to get all nervous about his upcoming date with Alice and so he then finished his current part of his writing for the morning before he began to sit down and do some meditating for the moment so that he didn't have any stupid thinking moments before he then focused on trying some new exercises like using his energy to surround him in a armor or sorts to keep hims safe while at the same time he also worked on using the energy to increase his physical abilities like his breathing and his mental state for the next few minutes . Once he was done Adam then got to his feet before he went about his normal routine with him going into the shower and then dried off before getting dressed.

Then he headed to the bedroom to grab his bag before heading to the kitchen for some nourishment before heading to school and so he plopped down at the table where his mother was serving some pancakes on a plate with some eggs and toast to go along with it and so Adam took some of the food and dug into it while he also sipped some coffee while Kara asked her son " you nervous about tonight sweetheart i mean this is your first date " with Adam nodding and swallowed his food before he said " kinda i mean it's Alice but at the same time i know her pretty well to know that we'll have fun no matter what you know ?" which Kara could understand .

So then she kissed his forehead before she said " Just be the same guy you have been so far " before both Adam and Connor finished their food and headed to school . On the way to the high school Connor asked " so what are you two doing like are you going to the movies or dinner or something ?" with Adam thinking about it for a minute before responding with " I'll see what she's OK with then i'll let you know " before he parked and then they walked into the school as they headed to their lockers with Adam getting what he needed for his classes while in his ears " Lifelines " was playing and so he turned around to see Alice practically skipping towards him with a smile on her face that made him smile as well and so he asked " so what do you want to do tonight ? like maybe we can go get dinner and a movie or something else if you want ?".

Alice tapped her chin in a good natured thought and said in a happy voice " well why don't we go to dinner and see what happens is that OK?" before Adam smiled and wrapped a arm around her as he whispered " that's very OK as long as you are there with me " which made Alice blush yet happy and so they headed to their classes for the morning . The day went by and so Adam then stood at the line to get his food for lunch when he felt Alice by his side with her own tray of food and so he asked " you're getting a salad ? i mean that's cool and all but i just never thought you would eat a salad " which Alice shrugged at before she said " maybe i want to get something else for a change you know ?" and Adam nodded before walking up and picking up his cheeseburger and a can of soda before he put them on his tray .

Adam then paid for his meal before sitting down at the table where Alice was sitting down too having picked up some honey mustard for her salad and so they ate in silence before Alice swallowed some of her lettuce and carrots and then said " So you ready to go to the party tomorrow ?" with Adam nodding and then said " yeah i mean it should be fun you know ? plus if we don't feel like staying we can go to somewhere we want to be at " with Alice nodding in agreement before they got their books together and headed to the ir classes for the afternoon . Adam sat in English class with his copy of the Inferno out and they were reading the part where Dante and Vergil were in the circle of Lust which was pretty interesting for the most part.

So then as his classmate Leo was reading out some of the cantos Adam was reading along when he felt some pain in the back of his neck which interested him as he hadn't had any pain in his body for the entire day so far and so he decided to check it out when he got home before the class was finished up and so he was soon standing in front of his locker with his books in his hands as he then put them in his locker before he gasped and gripped his chest or in particular the raven mark as he felt a surge of evil and malice fill his body and to his shock Adam knew or at least read the name of the object that caused that so he told himself " This i have to tell Sarah about later " as he closed his locker and then headed to practice before meeting up with his team .

Anyway later on in the practice session Adam was doing Laps with his friends when he stopped in mid run and fell to his knees as he blacked out due to the same surge of malice and darkness in his mind and soul with the last thing he saw and heard was Charlie running towards him and the same image of the painting that he saw at Sarah's place in his mind before he was taken to the hospital . Once Adam woke up a while later he was greeted by his mother who had tears pouring down her face as she said " you OK sweetheart? Charlie told me what happened as he called me and your dad " before Adam nodded as he said " yeah mom i feel better now do i have my phone ?" which Kara gave her son as she said " Alice is here so i'm going to let you see her OK ?" before she opened the door .

Kara then said to Alice " Dear you can see him now " before Alice nodded with her own tears down her face and then as she walked into the room she said " Hey you look better " to which Adam said with a uncomfortable look on his face " Yeah and i guess we will have to schedule our date some other time huh ?" which Alice shook her head and said " no i think we can just get some food and hang out at your place is that cool ?" with Adam smiling as he said " sure let's see if i can get out of here" just as the doctor who was a young woman named Sophia walked into the room and said " Alright Mr Scott you can go as i feel you're all fit and ready to go " before she then handed him some papers for his parents to sign .

After that was done then the two teens headed to Alice's car before they drove to the house where Adam sat down and worked on any homework he had to do for his classes . Once they were done Adam and Alice sat down with some chips and sodas before watching The Force Awakens for the next few hours and once it was time for Alice to go home Adam then kissed her lips for a few minutes which made them both smile before she went home and then Adam went to bed but not before feeling a pain in his chest as if his soul was torn in half . 

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