The beginning ideas

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 My newest idea

A. Characters

1. Adam: Adam is a seemingly normal 16 going on 17 year old teen who lives in a small city with a average lifestyle consisting of going to school and hanging out with his friends while dealing with things people his age deal with in their lives but one day he meets a young woman who seems to know about him and his life that interests him so he decides to give her a chance and his life suddenly turns around . Adam had black hair with a silver streak in it to separate him from his little brother Connor as well as blue eyes that looked beautiful to many girls who have told him that but Adam has been uncomfortable with that as he didn't like to sound arrogant or anything so he usually shrugs it off .

But at the same time he also has a mysterious tattoo on his chest that looks like a black raven which according to his brother looks amazing on him but at the same time it weird's him out and so Adam tries to keep the tattoo secret from anyone who could see it . His body is fairly muscular as he usually worked out during his time on the school sports teams such as Cross Country and Wrestling and Adam also works out at the gym by the school that he goes to on a daily basis when he doesn't have school which helps him get a better more healthier figure to his happiness . Adam wants to be possibly a doctor when he gets into a career or maybe a teacher in English or a writer but he usually tells himself he has time to decide which makes his parents worry about him much to his annoyance .

Adam's interests include learning about different myths and legends as well as new info such as different medicines and healing methods or different animals and how they are talked about in different myths such as the Dragon in Japanese myths such as the Yamata Orochi. His book interests were all over the place such as Song of Fire and Ice series and the James Bond series as he enjoyed the movies and wanted to see how the books were in comparison as well as other media like Supernatural and Game of Thrones for the same reason as the James Bond movies . Adam also enjoys going to the library from time to time and just losing himself in the books there for a good amount of time as he liked seeing what he could find to increase his book tastes .

Plus he also likes talking to the librarian Mrs Scott who enjoyed getting to know Adam and would always be pleasant towards him . Finally Adam takes pleasure in hanging out with his friends and having a good time such as going to the park and spending time in the warm air or just laying around which make them feel good .

2. Alice- Alice is a young woman who knows about Adam and who he is as a person and so it interests her as how he could fit in all this so she is interested in him due to her feelings of connection with him due to feeling like she didn't belong which will lead her into his life . Alice has reddish almost auburn hair and grey eyes which look beautiful on her but she doesn't like that as she sees them as a curse or at least a flaw in her mind and she also has a toned and athletic build as she did martial arts for a good part of her life .

The redhead is a young woman who doesn't trust easily and she only gives her friendship to those who earn it which she is surprised when Adam is easily able to get into her mind and show her he won't hurt her and it makes her feel weird about it . Alice has a different amount of interests which rang from music such as Set It Off and Adam Lambert to movies such as the Blade movies as well as Marvel Cinematic Universe movies . Alice has some suspicion about Adam and wants to help him in any way she can while also wanting to get closer to him as a potential friend.

3. Charlie - Charlie is Adam's best friend since they were little and he has been there for him since then as he knows a lot of secrets that Adam has told him such as his fear of the dark which was understandable in Charlie's eyes and his desire to be a writer or a doctor or something which Charlie could see his friend doing when they were in the real world but he also suspects his best friend is more than what he seems and vows to be there for him when he gets told the truth . Charlie has brown hair and green eyes which make him looks very good and he has a set of freckles on his cheeks which make him stand somewhat out in a crowd and is how Adam could usually find him plus Charlie also has a birthmark on his back which was a large mole which was annoying for Charlie to hear about and so he usually shuts up when he gets asked about it .

Charlie enjoys the same things that Adam enjoys and the two of them could spend hours talking about Jon Snow from Game of Thrones or about the Avengers but they also spent their time working out and taking part in the Cross Country season and while Charlie didn't wrestle he supported his friend when Adam wrestled . Overall Charlie will be there for his friend when he learns about who he is .

4. The man in the shadows- This is the main antagonist who is searching for something that is linked to Adam and he is not concerned about anyone who stands in his way as he is very able to fend for himself and deal with anything that gets in his path . He wears a black cloak over what appears to be normal clothing as well as what seems to be a sword and a scythe on his back which looked threatening to anyone who looks at it as well as having a cold and unerving grin on his face which freaks people out as they don't know who he is . He also has a set of warriors and servants who are willing to die for him and serve him to which he is very appreciative as he respects them for their service and will protect them anytime he can .

5.Sarah - Sarah is a young woman who knows about Adam and who he is as a person and so it interests her as how he could fit in all this so she is sent to keep a eye on him and potentially train him in his unknown skills which will lead her into his life . Sarah has black hair and blue eyes which look beautiful on her but she doesn't like that as she sees them as a curse or at least a flaw in her mind and she also has a toned and athletic build as she did martial arts and worked out for the most part of her life . Sarah also has a scar on her torso in the form of a slash going down her stomach which wasn't life threatening but she doesn't like it as it makes her feel insecure and so she makes sure no one knows about it unless it's someone who she trusts .

The raven haired female is a young woman who doesn't trust easily and she only gives her friendship to those who earn it which she is surprised when Adam is easily able to get into her mind and show her he won't hurt her and it makes her feel weird about it . Sarah has a different amount of interests which rang from music such as Set It Off and Adam Lambert to movies such as the Blade movies as well as Marvel Cinematic Universe movies . Sarah has a bit of info about what she knows Adam is and she feels she wants to keep a eye on him so she can tell him when the time is right .

B.Terms and Objects -

1. The tome of Shadows - This is a special book that contains a mystery around it that makes it desirable by many people but mostly the Man in the Shadows as it seems tp draw him to it but the facts are still secret for now . It is black and cracked but not too cracked as it won't come undone and stay put together in a person's hands with a message on the cover saying "in praeteritum in hoc libro de seeked iam nunc modo unam seculis dignus enim est per se causa esse potest per se sive bonum sive malum. Ita ut haec legit omnia quae nota est timor nisi quam mala et venit ad illos qui in tenebris quaerere huius libri proposita." Only a few people had this book in their hands but they had lost it as well and now it's being searched out for it's mysteries.

2. Shadow People/Beings - These are the new people that have showed up in Adam's place of residence and they are interested in him for some reason which only their leader known as the Man in Shadows can tell and so far they have kept a eye on him which Alice has also known about and which is one of the reasons why she seeks him out . There is not much known about them but they wear black clothing such as black suits and black jackets over black shirts and jeans or grey clothes as well and they all have a mysterious and chilling air to them that will make anyone uneasy due to the atmosphere around the beings .

3. Shadow Weapons - These are the main powers used by the Shadow People in this world as they are made of the energy that the beings use for combat and for their lives but the energy will disperse when the person is done using the weapon or if they don't want to have it out anymore and then it will go into the body of it's wielder . It can be many types of weapons such as swords daggers axes or even gloves to increase the wielder's strength which is not that uncommon as there are many fighter type Shadow Beings in the world . There will be many types of weapons that are shown as Adam finds his way through the world and finding who he is at the same time .

4. The Manor of the Shadow Beings - This is the headquarters of the group of Shadow Beings that Sarah is part of and to be allowed in you need to be one of them or you need to be allowed in but going into the building is worth it due to the many rooms full of interesting items as well as training room and a game room for the guys and so this will serve as the main base for Sarah's group as it is unknown to the populace due to it being considered creepy and scary . 

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