The interrogation

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 At the same time as Alice having defeated her attackers Auriex was waiting for his team to come back with any news and as he then stood in front of the man with blue eyes and brown hair the man said " My lord we were close to bringing Alice Knight here but she defeated us with a lot of ease but i can free the others and get her here !" before Auriex narrowed his eyes and raised the man in a paralyzing vice grip while he said in a cold and dangerous voice " I hope so my little friend as if you don't do a better job you will and i mean will feel pain that will make you beg for death !" before he vanished away and then the brown haired man fell to his knees before he then gasped and headed out to get his gear ,

At that moment Adam and Alice stood in front of the cell that contained the two women who looked defiantly at them while Sarah smirked at them as she said " Keep looking like that we'll get the info out of you don't you worry " before the redhead said " Go ahead and try but you won't stop our lord from coming to full power " and was rewarded with a kick to her stomach by Alice who said " shut up and take your punishment you annoying brat "and was kissed by Adam who said " Let me try something " as he walked into the room and then put his hands onto their foreheads one at a time indicated by his hands which glowed as well as his eyes . Once he was in the mind of the redhead woman who seemed to be named Anna Adam sniffed around before he walked through a door and saw a room that said " Plans for our master " which looked interesting.

So then he read through what looked like files for the plans which said that Auriex needed the blood of a certain magic user who wore the necklace of the Blessed One and so he filed that away in his mind as he memorized the info before he then saw the door that led out of the mindscape before Adam was now standing in the cell and was smiling at Alice who asked " you OK babe ?" with Adam nodding and he said " now for the other girl but Sarah you want to go ?" with Sarah smirking before she said " Thanks Adam i'd be please to " before she placed her hand on Anna's friend's head and did the same thing . Later that next hour Adam then sighed as he held a bottle of soda and said to his girlfriend " I'm proud of you babe for stopping them but i don't want to hurt them too bad you know ?" with Alice nodding as she hated the idea of killing when she didn't have the heart to do it .

Plus these women were only working for the enemy possibly out of their own free will or at the same time being controlled and so she said " Let's talk to them and see if they can come to our side ok ?" with Sarah agreeing and they walked into the room before the women noticed them and Anna asked " what do you want to do with us huh ?" with a little bit of bravado and fear in her voice at the same time . Adam asked " are you three working with Auriex as if he was controlling you or are you doing it out of your free will ?" with Anna thinking it over for the moment before she looked at her friend and said " well i know our buddy Garek is working for Auriex for more power but we don't like killing people that are innocent you know ?" .

So Sarah nodded as she looked at her protege and his girlfriend before saying " Well here's what you're being offered : in return for helping us with keeping up in our fight against Auriex you will be allowed to spend time with us and get to live a normal life if that's what you want ?" before Anna looked at her friend who was named Sariena and said to her " Is that OK with you ?" and Sariena nodded as she hated working for Auriex and wanted to have a normal life so they smiled at their new friends and said " sure we'll help you " with Anna getting up and said " we have info about Auriex's plans and we also know that he is going to send Garek after us and you and so we'll help him be fought off" . Then Alice smiled before she said to Adam " want to go get something to eat ?" and Adam smiled back as he nodded before they headed to the diner.

Then they sat down and then ordered their food and drinks before Adam asked his girlfriend " So what do you think about this ? i mean now that we got two of Auriex's gang members on our side " with Alice thinking about it for a moment before she said " I think it might work out cause we now might know a lot about the plans that Auriex has for us " as the food came to them and so they dug into the food while talking about different things . The food was soon eaten and so they then went home before Adam kissed his girlfriend and she then was dropped off at her house before Adam was soon sitting down and then finished his writing before he sat down and talked with his parents about what happened .

Luke was worried about this as he didn't think this would work out but Kara was more optimistic as she said " Sweetie we need to trust our son so keep a good mind OK ?" with her husband sighing before smiting at his son and nodding which allowed Adam to head to his room and go to bed . 

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