Meeting Alice's parents

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 Once Alice was in the emergency room with her stab wound being treated Adam sat in the waiting room while calling his family to tell them where he was as well as inform Alice's parents about what happened and so as he sat back in the chair and relaxed his body he heard " Adam !" and then turned around to see a woman who looked like Alice but with green eyes and a man with blue eyes and brown hair come towards him and Alice's mother said " How is she do you know ?" with a worried tone in her voice which Adam said " we don't know but i believe she should be fine " which made the two adults sigh in relief before Adam then said " Um i just wanted to say i'm sorry for not helping her as much as i did you know ?" .

Alice's father said with a understanding tone in his voice " It's OK Adam we know you would do anything for my daughter and you did what you had to do to get her safe so we appreciate it " which allowed Adam to smile before his eyes turned serious and he asked " I have a question : earlier this month me and Alice went to my home with my mentor and Alice found out she can use magic , would you know anything about this ?" to which Alice's father sighed as he said " Well first you can call me Kyle and this woman next to me is my wife Susan and as for the second question yes i do as i have met your parents when they got married and once they had some time to themselves we were told about you and Connor and who you guys were and so we actually wanted to see if you and Alice would get together even if you guys were just friends " before Kyle sipped some of his coffee.

Then Susan said as her husband sighed in worry " It turned out that Alice had found a necklace one day when she was younger and it seemed to have imbued her with the ability to use magic which amazed us but she didn't know about it till now " which Adam nodded at before the doctor came out of the hospital room and said " OK she 's fine and just needs to not make the wound worse but you can all go in just one at a time OK ?" which they all nodded at before Kyle said " i'll go in so she can get used to us being there " and walked into the room . Kyle walked up to his daughter and said " How you feeling sweetheart are you better now ?" with Alice nodding and said " Yeah is Adam there i have some important things to tell him " before Kyle said " alright honey i just wanted to see that you were ok i'll go get him alright ?" with Alice smiling and kissing her father's cheek as he walked out of the room .

Then Kyle said " Adam she wants to talk to you " with a shrug before Adam put his phone in his pocket before heading to the room and as he sat down Alice said " Thanks for helping me get here " before Adam kissed her cheek and said " sorry i couldn't do anything else to help you Dariux came too fast before i could get to you " which Alice nodded at and said in a reassuring tone " I get it babe but i am happy to be better and also i found out what Dariux wanted with me and you before he stabbed me " As Dariux grabbed Alice by her throat he said in a low whisper " You will soon be the catalyst for Lord Auriex's resurrection as well as help awaken the Tome of Shadow's power so keep alert " before he then stabbed her and then Adam had taken her to the hospital . As Alice awoke from her memory she looked at her boyfriend who looked grim as he said " we need to amp the training up when we get back to our training session as well as tell Sarah what happened " before he kissed her forehead .

Adam then said " I'm going to go home but let me know when we can meet up OK ?" and Alice nodded before kissing him again and so Adam was soon at home working on his writing for the time being while keeping a eye on his phone as he had sent Sarah the message that read " Alice got attacked by Dariux and stabbed but she's alright and now we need to step our training up due to Alice somehow being important to Auriex's resurrection as well as the Tome of Shadows awakening " and now as he finished his writing for the moment he went to the kitchen before he poured some coffee into a mug and then sat down as he sipped his drink while reading through his notes for a English test that he had in his class that coming Friday .

At that moment Luke and Kara walked into the kitchen and Luke asked his son " how is Alice doing ? i mean she got attacked so she must be doing fine right ?" with Adam nodding at his dad before he said " yeah she's healing now but she heard something that Dariux said which was " " You will soon be the catalyst for Lord Auriex's resurrection as well as help awaken the Tome of Shadow's power so keep alert " so do you know anything about it ?" which judging from the looks of worry and fear on their faces Luke and Kara did know anything so as they sat down Luke said to his son " The Tome of Shadows is a book that is godlike to the Shadow People as it can do many things but one of the most feared abilities is that it can resurrect a person with enough energy from the person that wields it so i'm guessing that Auriex is going to be brought back by Dariux so we need to keep our eyes peeled you know ?" .

Kara was then nodding at the same time as she added " I also remember my father telling me that before the book was sent away it had been used for some good purposes but at the same time there was a aura of temptation from the book so it needs to be treated with caution" before Adam finished his conversation and then went to take a nap . Later that night Adam was texting Alice as he had nothing much to do and so he sent her " Babe i got to go to bed but i'll see you tomorrow OK ?" with her responding message being " OK babe i'll see you tomorrow at school " before he then headed to bed . 

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