Learning about Lady Aurora

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 As Scott looked over at the group of two teens and his old friend he said to them " As you know Auriex was not a bad person in the beginning of the time before the war with the Order of the Sun as he was a good man with noble intentions while serving as the leader of the Order and it was during one of his missions where he had met Lady Aurora as she had been serving as a medic in the Order when he had been injured and so she had been dispatched to help him out with recovering from the injury . As Auriex gripped his arm and torso with a grim look on his face he sat down in the medic room where he saw a young woman with red hair and grey bluish eyes looking down at him and he asked " Can i help you ?" before the woman smiled at him and said " Are you ok ? i can heal you if you want sir " with Auriex blinking a few times before he smiled softly and said " Yeah that would be fine thank you miss ?" .

"Aurora my name is Aurora Lord Auriex " the woman said as she bent down and channeled some energy into her hands as she then healed his wounds with the lord of the Order of the Sun looking down at this woman and wondering "Why do i feel this way she just met me ?" before he said " If i can ask are you in the Order ?" with Aurora smiling as she said "yeah but i'm learning how to heal more you know ?" and Auriex smiled before kissing her hand as he said " well i'm glad to have you in the team " . As Adam heard this he said " so what happened next i mean he seemed to be a better person than what we have seen and encountered so far " before Scott sighed and sipped some tea as he said " We'll get to that in a few minutes now let me tell you about Aurora's history " .

Scott put his tea down before he said " Aurora was born to a high ruling noble while her mother had died in childbirth and so her father had married some other woman and had another son which embittered Aurora but she found peace in the Order while learning to be a medic and enhance her skills and then she met Auriex before they fell for each other and then well he got corrupted after something happened to her which i'll let you know later as i think we should get some food or something before we talk some more OK ?" with Sarah nodding before she told her team " i know there's a small bagel shop next to her so let's get some food and then come back here ok ?" .

Then Adam was helping Alice up before he then said "what do you want from the shop ?" to his girlfriend who smiled at her boyfriend and said " let's see what's there " as they headed over to the small bagel place before standing in line and checking out the food and drink options . Later as the team sat down for a few minutes with their food which was a bunch of different bagels and so they ate their food for the next few minutes while chatting about different things and so as Adam asked " Now that we have somewhat of a idea about Auriex's relationship with Aurora is it still ok if we give him some sympathies ?" Alice shook her head as she swallowed some bagel and said " I don't know but let's finish this and head back to the shop to hear the rest of the story " and so they finished their food before sitting back down in the seats at the shop .

Then Scott came out and said " you guys ready to hear the rest ?" with the three of them nodding before he said " Ok then now i was at the part where Auriex was courting Aurora for some time now but there was a threat coming for him and his lover as there was a man named Jakius who wanted Aurora for himself and so he challenged Auriex for her hand which he had denied as he saw the selfish man as a weakling but Jakius persisted until Auriex complied and they were about to fight " . But then Adam was about to fall asleep due to being tired and so Scott said " why don't you guys come back tomorrow and then we'll finish this up ?" with Adam nodding before they all headed home.

Then as Adam fell onto his bed in the next few minutes he was suddenly stuck in the mindscape again with a woman who looked exactly like Aurora and so he said " Is that you Lady Aurora ?" before she smiled and said " Yes it is young one i have a mission for you that i beg you to consider " . 

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