Dariux is freed from the brainwashing

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 Now that Gemma was working with Adam and his team as a spy for them due to their shared goal of stopping Auriex they would meet up at the cafe during the mornings to talk about the new info she had for them before she would then head back to the manor where she would act as Auriex's third in command for the majority of the time which worked for the most part and so as Adam took out his phone as he was walking out to the car he then sent a message to Sarah that said " I looked through the letter that Dariux gave to Gemma so i'll let you know what's in it when we meet at the cafe so let Gemma know OK ?" before he then stepped into the car and then drove to the cafe before parking and then headed inside before meeting with Alice who had shown up .

' As he sat down Adam asked his girlfriend " so what do you want to do today ? i mean besides our training we have the whole day to ourselves " with Alice sipping some of her iced tea and said " Maybe we can go to the park or something that sounds nice doesn't it ?" with a smile on her face which Adam returned before Sarah and Gemma walked towards them and Gemma said " How things going guys ?" as Adam sipped some of his coffee before he nodded and said " not too bad we were just discussing what we were going to do today " with Sarah and Gemma nodding in understanding as they sat down and ordered their drinks . Later Gemma said " so i have some new info for you guys which relates to Dariux it seems he is fighting the influence that Auriex has him under so it might be time for you guys to free him" .

Adam nodded this at before he said " OK we'll see if we can meet with him and do that now is there anything we need to be aware of ?" with Gemma shaking her head as she said " things are ok for now but Auriex will be noticing this so be aware ok ?" and the other two teens nodded while Sarah said " yeah let us know if that happens " before they headed out of the cafe and drove to the park before sitting down and just relaxing for some time . As Adam laid his head on his girlfriend's shoulder he said " so how should we do this ? i mean should we just agree to meet Dariux like maybe here or at my house or something ?" with Sarah thinking about it for a moment before she said " i think we should have Gemma meet with him and tell him what we want to do before we do it OK ?".

Alice and Gemma was then agreeing with this so Adam nodded and then got up before they headed home where Gemma was walking towards Dariux and said " I have a message from Adam and his team they want to meet you at the park ok ?" with the brainwashed man nodding and said " That's agreeable with me " before going to his quarters for the moment . As Gemma walked away she whipped out her phone and sent Adam a message that said " I told him and so he will meet you at the park OK ?" with Adam at his house agreeing to this in his message that said " That's fine with me we'll be there later " as he fell onto his bed and then took a short nap . The time came for Adam and his team to head to the park and so as they drove to the location Adam said " are you guys worried about this ? i mean it might not work " .

Sarah was shaking her head as they got out and said " It'll be fine Adam we'll do what we can to break him free " while the other two ladies nodded and so as they stood before Dariux he looked calm yet they could see he was twitching and gripping his face as if he was struggling to stop his body from attacking them . As Adam walked forward he said " Dariux what can we do to help you ? there must be some way to help break you out of this even if we must fight " and Dariux looked at the tree right next to him before he said " Bring it and try to stop me " before charging forward with two swords while Adam formed his swords which were ignited.

They then clashed together with Sarah and Alice helping provide fire against Dariux and Gemma providing aid to Adam . Adam gripped Dariux's arm before throwing him to the side before the old man growled and rolled to the side before he formed a crossbow and fired two shots at him which Gemma blocked with a fire shield and then threw some fiery darts at Dariux who was unable to block them with his swords and so he leaped over them before engaging Adam and Gemma in close combat. Once Adam was in postiton after he had Dariux in his range of attacking he then grabbed Dariux before he slammed his hand into his forehead and said to Aurora " Can you undo the brainwashing ?" .

Aurora was then saying " yeah but he will need to do the work of getting back to normal so let's do this " and then they both used their energy to destroy the influence of Auriex that was in the form of his spirit and so as he faded away Auriex's spirit form growled in rage before he was destroyed and then Dariux was panting and said " Thank you it helped me get back to my normal self " before he vanished and Adam said " Good ob guys " as they then went home . Adam fell onto the bed and then went to sleep for some time before he then got up and ate dinner while telling his parents about what happened .

Luke was proud of his son before he then said " I'll talk to my dad and see how he is later " which Adam nodded at before he got up and headed to the den before finishing some writing and then went to bed . 

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