The attack on the manor to start the end conflict

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 So now it was time for the start of the end to the conflict and so as Adam was working on his combat skills in the backyard of the house with Alice and Connor next to him he said "This will be one for the books but no one will know about it " with a grim look on his face with Alice nodding at him and said " Yeah we will have to keep the fight going and use all of our skills to overcome the enemy " while Connor did some stretches and said at the same time " i know we can do this and we'll have Sarah and Layla helping us as well " before he got up and got into a combat position as he said " Now let's do this " as he rushed towards Adam who leaped back and formed a scythe out of his energy before slashing towards his brother who rolled to the side.

Connor then formed several foot traps which Adam dodged before he slashed outward and sent a wave of energy towards his brother who summoned a dog to take the attack as it then created smoke to blind Adam for the time being which allowed Connor to form a blade out of his own energy and then assaulted his brother with skilled blows before he was sent flying with Adam having punched him with a gauntlet on his fist which caused Connor to chuckle and say " you win bro " as he got to his feet. Alice smiled at them and said " Alright babe come and face me " with a hand in front of her face as she got into her stance and so Adam nodded before gripping his sword as he said " sure thing babe " and then dashed to his girlfriend before slashing at her a few times which she dodged.

She then sent a Magma spell towards her boyfriend who cut through it and then sent a set of energy knives at her which she rolled to the side to avoid before forming her Shadow Sickles and then threw them at Adam . The fight went on for some minutes before they decided to stop for the moment and then get some food so Adam helped his girlfriend up before they headed to the cafe where they sat down at a booth and ordered their drinks before Adam said " You worried about this ?" as he looked at his brother and girlfriend who nodded as Alice bit her lip and said " yeah i mean we could honestly die in this " while Connor rubbed his neck and said in a worried tone " I don't know if we'll all make it " .

Adam sighed and pulled out his phone before texting Sarah with " we're worried about what will happen do you got anything to let us know ? we'e at the cafe if you want to join us" as their drinks came and so Adam sipped some of his coffee before he looked up and saw Sarah walk towards them and she then said " How you guys doing ?" with worry in her voice which Connor said " I don't know about you but we feel anxious " with Sarah nodding in understanding before she said to the waitress " Can i get a cup of tea please ?' with the waitress nodding and smiling at her before walking away .

Sarah sighed and then sat in a spot next to Adam as she then ran her fingers down her neck before she said in a low tone " We will attack the manor later and strike at their forces in the back of the manor before we do anything else OK ?" as she sipped her drink which had been placed in front of her before she then said to Adam " So i'll let you know when the time will come to strike OK ?" with Adam nodding and so they all finished their drinks before heading to the manor where they then did some training for the time being as they wanted to get their bodies moving before they did anything else . Later as Adam stood in his room looking over his gear for the moment before he then said " OK let's do this " and then saw on his phone " You ready for this ?" from Sarah .

He sent " Yeah i'm heading to your place now " as he then grabbed his phone and headed out of the house to his car while he saw Connor walking behind him and so he said " You ready ?" with Adam nodding as they headed into their cars and then drove to the manor where they met up with Alice who kissed Adam and said " I'm nervous but i know we'll win " with Sarah nodding in agreement as they pulled into the jeep and she said " Let's start this off " as they were headed to the manor . Once at the manor Adam and Alice went next to Sarah while Connor went behind them as they walked towards the back door before they snuck into a room that had only two skeletons .

The enemies were not on their guard so Adam snapped their necks and they faded into dust which made Adam nod to his group before they went through the room and came out to a hallway where they were surprised to find there would be no enemies so they kept their guard up as they found two doors which Adam whispered to his team " I'll take the door on the left with Alice while you and Connor head in the next door OK ?" as he looked over at Sarah who nodded in agreement before she snuck into the room next to the one on the left . Adam saw what looked like a vial of blood which he knew to be his own blood and he also saw the necklace which Adam knew would be used for the ritual along with the Tome of Shadows .

So he wanted to destroy the blood but when he tried he found it was encoded with a spell that kept out any attacks from anyone and so he growled to himself before he heard " Good try but it's unavoidable the ritual will happen " as Adam saw Auriex who smirked at him and took the items before he said " now try and get past him " as he pointed to a skeletal behemoth of a beast that had soulless black eyes and horns that looked like they could skewer Adam and so Adam growled before forming two swords and said "Let's go " as he leaped toward the creature. At the same time Connor and Sarah had found the Tome and so they wanted to take it from there so it can't be used for the ritual but Sarah narrowed her eyes and said " Don't! you'll be drawn into it's temptations let's wait till Adam or Alice come in OK ?" .

Connor then nodded but then they found a woman walking in with red hair and grey eyes which looked menacing on her as well as a cold and threatening look on her face as she said " I don't like killing innocents but you are threatening Lord Auriex's plans you must die " as she drew a sword out of her hip and then charged forward but at the moment Gemma came in and formed two fire swords before she said " Here i'll help you " as she smiled at Connor and Sarah who nodded and they got into fighting stance . 

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