Christmas is here

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 Now that it was Christmas Adam was hoping to spend it with both his family and his girlfriend and so as he woke up on Christmas Eve morning he began to make a plan for what he would be doing for the day with his first two ideas being to go do his workout for the morning and then go meet up with Alice at the cafe to discuss what they wanted to do for their celebration of the holiday and then Adam got out of bed before he grabbed his workout clothes and then headed to the bathroom to get changed before grabbing his water bottle and then headed to the workout room before he then sat down and started to do some crunches for the next few minutes while his phone played music from the speakers on the side of the room .

After getting up and stretching his body out Adam then headed to the weights before grabbing his ten pound weights and then began to do twenty reps for the moment while in his head he thought " so i wonder what Alice would want to do for our private celebration ? i mean we could just stay at home and just relax with hot chocolate or something so i guess we'll see " before finishing his reps and then did the same time with the twenty pound weights before putting them back and then did his last bit of exercise with the pull up bar before going to take a shower . Once that was over Adam then headed to the living room before sitting down and then took out his phone before texting Alice with " Want to meet me at the cafe ?" before he then went to grab a cup of coffee for the moment .

As he then headed out to his car Adam then drove to the cafe before he then parked and headed inside to a empty booth before sitting down and then opened his phone to see a message from Alice that said " sure i'm heading there now where can i find you ?" with Adam sending " I'm in a empty booth you'll find me easily " with Alice walking into the cafe and smiling at him as she walked to his booth before sitting down and then said " so what did you want to talk to me about ?" with Adam saying in return " what do you want to do for our private celebration for Christmas ? i mean what do you think of just sitting at home and relaxing by the fire with hot chocolate ?" before Alice thought it over as she looked at her phone as she didn't have anything else in mind and she did think that sounded like a good idea .

So she said " sure i really have nothing else in mind and it does sound good so yeah let's just stay at home " before they got two cups of Hot Chocolate and just sat there talking about different things for the moment . Once they were done with that Adam and Alice then got out of their seats before heading to the cars and then on the way to Adam's house he thought to himself " man i wonder what will come up next ?" before reaching his house and then the two teens sat on the couch with their cups of coffee while they watched some tv for the moment and as Alice laid her head on his shoulder Adam smiled and kissed her forehead before he said " you're so cute when you're like this have i told you that yet?" before she looked up and smiled at him before she whispered " not till now but i don't mind ".

Then the movie was soon over so she said " i have to go home now but i'll call you later ok babe ?" with Adam nodding and so as she left to go home Adam then headed to his bedroom before taking a short nap for some time . Once he was done with that he headed to the den before sitting down and doing his usual routine of some writing before he then headed to the dinner table and then sat down before taking some bites of his stew that was in his bowl while his parents talked about their day and as Kara asked her son " How was your day so far sweetheart?" he looked up before swallowing his stew .

After that he then saying in a pleasant voice " Not too bad me and Alice just went to the cafe and then came home before watching some TV you know ?" with Kara nodding and giving her husband's hand a squeeze. Later that night Adam did some crunches to improve his body for a while before getting up and then took a shower before finishing his writing and then called it a night 

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