Seeing a new possible threat

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 The morning air felt crisp and warm to Adam as he stood outside the house while clad in his workout clothes as he was currently doing some exercises for the time being as he wanted to get his blood flowing before he did anything else and so as he got his legs going in different directions as he did some stretches Adam thought to himself " OK now that i know what Auriex wants to do for now i can help my team get ready for that " before he then sipped some water and then headed into the house before he met up with his brother as he said " What's going on here?" and saw a young woman sitting on Connor's bed with what looked like books and homework out and so he stepped into the room before he said " Hi there what's your name miss?" .

Then the girl smiled and said " I'm Courtney nice to meet you i'm guessing you're Adam ?" with Adam nodding before he said " Yeah i'm this doofus's brother and i hope you have some fun times with him you know ?" which made Connor blush before she said with a smirk " Yeah i get it but i will also make sure he doesn't do anything stupid " as Adam walked out of the room and headed to the shower before doing his morning routine . Once he was in the shower Adam was washing his hair when he stopped and turned around to suddenly see a small child with red blackish eyes and a cruel smirk on his face as he said " You'll never stop him my father will break you and your friends " which shocked Adam for the moment .

He then shook his head and said in his mind " Aurora what do you think of that ? did Auriex and you have any children ?" with the young woman shaking her head as she replied " No i mean not that i know of we were unable to have children as i died before we could get to it " before Adam was now sitting down for breakfast and said " we'll see if there's anything in the library about this OK ?" with Aurora smiling at him and the day went on . Later on Adam was on his way to the cafe where Alice was waiting for him when he was suddenly stopped in the middle of the street by the same kid who smirked again and said " Keep trying but you'll never win " as he faded into the sky which annoyed the young man before he parked and then headed into the small building.

Then he kissed his girlfriend and said " Want to hear something creepy ?" before Alice sipped her coffee and said " Sure what happened ?" in a worried tone . Adam ordered his drink before saying " I have been seeing this kid on two times today when i was in the shower and in the road a few minutes ago and so i don't know who is doing this " with Alice shrugging before she said " Maybe Sarah can help us i mean she must know something " as Adam's coffee was brought over and he nodded at her before sipping some . As they finished their drinks Adam and Alice paid for them and headed to the cars before Adam said " I'll meet you at the manor " which Alice nodded at before they pulled out of the parking spots and then headed to the meeting place .

Then Adam squeezed his girlfriend's hand as they headed towards the kitchen where Sarah said " what's up you guys look weird about something ?" with Adam shaking his head and said " Some weird kid is annoying me today as he seems to be implying something about Auriex being his father or something " . Sarah raised her eyebrow before she said " I don't think that Auriex has a kid or anything i mean did you ask Aurora ?" with Adam nodding as he said " Yeah she said that they didn't have time to try to conceive any children so that's not possible " as he sat down and ran his fingers down his hair while Alice squeezed his shoulder in comfort . Alice said " Well let's deal with this later OK ?" and Adam nodded at her before they did some training for the time being .

Once they were done Adam was on the way to the cafe for some food with Alice and as they pulled into the parking lot Adam said " The kid looked pretty medium and had reddish blackish eyes while looking like he had a cruel smile which to me indicated he was not normal i mean i am not normal by any means but at the same time he didn't seem normal you know ?" with Alice nodding as they sat down and looked at their menu before she said " Let's deal with this later and have a good time here " while Adam smiled at her . Once they ordered their food and some coffee Adam leaned back into the booth and sighed tiredly as he said " I need a nap when i get home " before Alice looked worriedly at him .

She then said " Yeah i can see it too how about we leave in a little while and you can get some sleep OK ?" before Adam smiled and said " Sure let's enjoy this time together " as their food came . Later that day Adam laid on his bed and fell asleep before he then woke up to find the creepy kid looking at him and waving at him before he vanished away but not before touching Adam's forehead and knocking him out as he faded into his mindscape . 

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