The prom and Auriex attacking the school along with the Fallen One

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 On the day of the Prom Adam was in his bathroom cleaning his face off of any hair he had been shaving due to his annoyance at having some hair on it and as he wiped off the water he had used to wash off the hair he then stood up before looking at himself in the mirror and then looked down at the mark on his chest with the jewel glowing and said to himself " I hope you don't cause me any trouble tonight " in a worried tone as the "you" he was talking about was Auriex due to being afraid of the night being ruined by attackers . Anyway Adam got dressed and then headed down to the kitchen before he then sat down with some Frosted Flakes and some toast while Connor was making some peanut butter toast as well .

So as the two brothers ate their food Connor turned to his brother and said " You OK ? you look like you think someone is going to hurt you " and Adam sighed in anxiety before he said " I don't want to think someone is going to hurt me or you or anyone else bu i have the feeling that something is going to happen tonight " which Connor nodded and took some bites of his food before wiping his mouth and said " Dude me Alice and Charlie will be there too as well as Alexis who will be with me " which did not make Adam feel as worried and so they headed to school for the morning before Adam was sighing in relief at the feeling going away while he stood at his locker and as he grabbed his things he felt Alice come right near him and so he said " You ready for tonight ?" with a raised eyebrow .

Alice smiled softly and nodded as she said " Yeah but you seem anxious or worried about something ?" with Adam sighing in nervousness and said " I don't know i feel something i going to happen tonight and i don't want to worry about that now you know ?" which Alice agreed with by kissing her boyfriend and whispered " come on let's have a good day " with Adam putting his hand in hers . Later as Adam and Charlie sat in their class for Chemistry the young Shadow Being said " How you doing today dude? you ready for tonight ?" with a smile on his face which Charlie smirked at and nodded as he copied down some notes before he whispered " Yeah it'll be fun dude " They were soon walking out of the classroom when Alice came up to his side and then kissed him as she said " How you doing right now ?".

Adam chuckled before he kissed her back and said " I'm doing good babe thanks for asking " before they headed to the lockers and Alice said " Meet me at the table in the cafeteria ok" before she left his side. Then Adam took out what he needed to have for his classes in the afternoon and at the same time thought to himself " Uh i don't think tonight is going to go well " as he kept feeling this dark and ominous air in his body and so he was sitting down to work on his homework while Alice was reading through notes for her final exams and as he finished his burger and fries Adam said " so are you going to come over to my place for pictures or do you want to do it at yours ?" with Alice thinking about this as she read through her last bit of notes.

A few moments passed before she said " I don't really care you know ? it's just pictures " with a smile on her face as she leaned in and squeezed his hand which he returned and then said " Yeah i'll let Charlie and Connor know OK ?" with Alice nodding and so they finished their work and food before they headed to their next classes . Then as Adam stood at his locker he said " I'll let you know when i'm coming over OK ?" as he hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and kissed her forehead which made Alice smile and she nodded before heading out to their cars .

Later that night as Adam was getting ready for the night Connor walked into the room and said " How you feeling ?" with a raised eyebrow before Adam chuckled and said " I'm fine how do you feel so far i mean this is your second dance" with Connor shrugging as he said " I'm a little bit nervous but i'll be fine " and so they headed out to the kitchen before they grabbed their keys and drove to Alice's house where their dates would be . As they walked into the house Alice and the other girls with her came over to them and Alice said " Hey you " as she kissed Adam before Connor walked over to a pretty Latina with black hair and green eyes which made him smile .

So he said " You look great " with Alexis smiling before she kissed his cheek which made him blush . Charlie walked in and said " you guys ready to get this over with ?" with a raised eyebrow before Adam smirked and said " Yeah let's get these pictures over with " before the three young men and their dates headed out to the front lawn before taking these pictures for the next few minutes and as they drove to the prom Adam said to his girlfriend "We'll be fine babe " with Alice smiling and nodded at him before they parked and then headed to the ticket table before giving their tickets and going into the school .

At the same time The Fallen One and Auriex was standing at the top of the school and Auriex said " Go and start this war " with the Fallen One giggling gleefully before he nodded and summoned some skeletons before going into the school . 

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