Forming a training schedule

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 Adam was now sitting in his room doing his morning routine of meditating before he would get ready for the day and as he then opened his eyes he saw that there were some markings around the room which indicated that there were some books that Sarah had given him to read about different objects that existed in the world that could help him in learning about his powers and so he then picked up a book that had a small note on the front that read " Use this one if you want to learn about Shadow Vision " before he looked through the first part to see that it read " The power of this skill also allows you to see any auras that are around you and allow you to see if there are enemies or allies around you which are useful in any situation " which made Adam curious to use it .

So he channeled his energy to his eyes before he then walked around the house and found his family sitting down eating breakfast . He looked at them before he saw that they had a grey aura around them which indicated that they were normal people and so he channeled his energy back to himself before he got showered and dressed for the day before going to sit down for the hour . Once he was done Adam then headed out to take a short walk for the day before he was going out to the mall to shop for some stuff he wanted and so as he walked through the block he then took note of different animals and people that were doing some activities like walking or playing with their animals .

So he then smiled to himself before coming back home and then grabbed his wallet before asking his brother " Connor i was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me and get some things i mean if you can't it's OK you know ?" with Connor swallowing some of his pizza slice that he had heated up before he said " I'm game for it as i do need some things too " and so both brothers headed out to the car before Adam then drove to the mall where he then parked and then they both walked into the main lobby where Adam said " OK i have to go to the Media Empire shop for a while then i will probably be in the Books For Everyone store " which got a nod from Connor and so the younger teen headed to his own devices before the man shook his head .

Adam then headed into the Media Empire shop which was a big store with many fandoms in it like Star Wars and Game of Thrones as well as different bands and singers along with video games so it was a great place for Adam to be in due to his geekdom . Adam headed to the Game of Thrones part of the store and walked around to see what there was before picking up some notebooks that looked interesting to him due to his liking of writing down different events and experiences in a notebook at different times and so putting two of them in his hands he also picked up a set of rings that had a Dragon on them before heading up to the counter and as he put them on the counter he said " I would like to pay for these two items " before the woman behind the counter smiled at him and said " Alright that'll be twenty two dollars " so Adam pulled out his wallet before paying with his card .

Then as he walked out of the store he said " I might be back later " before the woman nodded and said " Have a great day " . Adam was soon sitting down in Books For Everyone with a new book in his hands that was apparently in the vein of Stephen King when he looked up and saw Sarah walking towards him with someone next to her and so he asked " Hey there what's going on with you two ?" before she smiled at him and said " Not much this is my partner Richard or Richie he doesn't mind you know ?" with Adam smiling back and held out his hand before saying " Yeah anyway I'm Adam nice to meet you " which Richard took and said in a cheerful voice " you too i heard a lot about you from Sarah here so i hope to get to know you some more soon " .

Adam then asked " So what you guys doing in this store like are you guys looking for anything in particular or are you just looking around ?" with Richie sipping some coffee before he said " Just browsing you know ? want to see what we can find " which Sarah agreed with before she said " Oh Adam i want to go through our schedule with you for your training OK?" before Adam said in agreement " Sure i'm going home soon so i'll come over later or you can come to my house whatever you want " and so they left the store with Sarah having said " I'll call you later with what we are doing " while Adam paid for some of his new books and then met up with Connor who showed Adam what he got before they drove home.

Then once they were in their home Connor went to play some PS3 while Adam took a short nap . Adam fell onto his bed as soon as he walked into the room and then turned his phone on to charge with his alarm going to go off as soon as he was done sleeping and so as he was sleeping he was also dreaming of certain things like new skills he wanted tp learn which made him smile and so he then woke up a while later before getting up and then headed to the car before driving to the manor and so he then parked before walking up and knocking on the door . Sarah allowed him into the house and so they then headed to the training room where they began to start their warm ups .

Then as they worked on that Sarah said " Alright first we will start with our warm ups to get you moving and then we will do meditation for a while so we can clear our minds before we work on your Shadow Vision and then i will start teaching you some new skills " which made Adam nod in excitement before they began to mediate for a while and then as they began to spar Adam thought to himself " Man this will be good for me " as he blocked a blow from Sarah before punching her away and then formed his swords before doing a slash combo which she blocked with her own weapon and then they stopped for the day before Adam went home and then as he walked into his room later that night he meditated for the time being before channeling some of his energy into his hand .

Then to his excitement he saw a mark on his hand glow before his hand was covered in dark black and grey energy and so he knew he could use this energy to increase his skills in combat before he then allowed the energy to fade away and then Adam then went to bed . 

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