New memory and Connor's abilities

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 As Adam was spending his days on spring break doing his usual routine minus the school part he was also studying up on the Tome and learning what he could about it as well as spending time with Charlie and Alice and so on this morning which was the final day of the break Adam was meditating in the workout room as he wanted to get some time to himself before he would be heading out to spend some time with his girlfriend and so he went into his mind before he thought of the Tome and the most recent memory he had seen : In the memory he had stood on a field of flowers and grass as two men stood clad in armor with grim looks on their faces with the first man he saw had hair which was raven colored and blue grayish eyes that looked sad yet determined while the other man had gold colored hair and red blackish eyes which also had determination and at the same time a bit of ruthless and corrupted fury in them.

So then as the first man said " Kane don't do this you can come back to the family " Kane said in a cold and determined voice " Don't get in my way Adrix you can't stop me and i won't go back to that life if i must kill you then i will " before Adrix said " Don't you see what that book is doing to you ? it's twisting you and your intentions into something that is not who you are " with Kane closing his eyes before opened them and said with conviction in his voice " Come at me if you must but i will not lose" as he formed two swords made of fire before Adrix formed his own swords and they dashed towards each other with the fire scorching the field . As Adam then saw the swords clash he was awakened by Sarah asking him " you ok ?" with a concerned loo on her face.

So Adam nodded and then got up before he asked " what's up ? you need me for something ?" with Sarah shaking her head and said " Just wanted to see how you are doing " which made Adam smile and so they headed into the kitchen before having some pancakes. Connor walked into the room and asked Sarah " I have a question about my powers do you think i could have different types of them like maybe i could use them to create traps or something to keep my opponents at bay ? i don't know like maybe i'm different in my skills due to my personality ?" with Sarah biting into her pancake and said " I think it's possible i mean anyone can use traps with the Shadow Energy but let's try some things out and see if it's possible " before the young man nodded .

Then they finished their food before heading out to the jeep where Adam asked " so what should we do now maybe go to the park ?" with Connor agreeing as that sounded fun before Sarah said " ok i got no problem with that " and drove to the park before parking and then they stood by the trees near the water fountain . Connor stood in front of Sarah as she said " Now let's get a good idea of your personality so we can see if it will affect your powers so give me some parts of your personality and then try to use the energy as you think of them OK ?" with Connor nodding in understanding as he said " Well first thing is that i enjoy animals and i want to be a vet or some kind of worker with animals in the future and at the second part of my personality there's my quirky and mischievous side as i like to pull non harmful pranks on my friends you know ?" .

Sarah then asked " OK so let's use those as a example now try to think of animals and form them out of energy " with Connor saying " Sure thing " as he formed the energy into his hands and in the next few minutes formed three wolves and a bear out of the energy so they looked like red and blackish animals as they didn't have flesh and blood but they seemed to emit the energy as an aura as well as be useful in battle with the wolves licking at Connor's hand . That looked really cool to Adam before Sarah smiled and said " Good now keep doing that for the next few minutes ok ?" and Connor nodded before he did that and so later on Adam and Connor headed home.

On the way home Adam said " That was really cool dude you can act as our trap master or animal summoner or something you know ?" with Connor smiling as he said " Yeah it feels really good " before they pulled into the house and then Adam headed to his room before falling onto his bed and took a short nap . A few minutes later Adam got up before he then headed to the dinner table and sat down as plates of stew were placed on the table and so as Adam ate some of the stew Luke was talking to his son about his new abilities and as he said " Now you can help out with your brother and his team when they fight against anyone who hurts them " Connor smiled before he said " Yeah that sounds cool " with awe in his voice before they finished their food .

Adam and Connor headed to the den before they played some PS4 for some time and as they were playing Mortal Kombat X Adam said " How does it feel knowing you have a lot of applications for your powers ?" with Connor grinning and said " pretty cool " before they finished their game and Adam headed to take his shower . Then later on he was in his room chatting with Alice before he then went to bed . 

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