Going to the Shadow World

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 That morning around 4 or 5 as Adam was getting ready for the trip he was also thinking that he would be changed for a good portion of his life as he was now going to see where his parents came from and at the same time also gain some new knowledge and skills to use in his life and so he finished taking some clothes and putting them in his bag before taking his phone and putting it in his pocket as he didn't think he would need it but it was good to take it with him and so Adam then finished up his packing before putting the bag on the floor and then he sent to Alice " You ready for this ? Do you think we need our phones ?" before he then took his bags and headed to the kitchen where he prepared himself some food for now .

Then as he then took out some juice and poured it into the mug that he had in front of him and as he drank some his phone went off with Alice's message " Well i don't know are we going to another dimension or is this Shadow World part of our world ?" with his response being " Hold on let me ask Sarah " before he then sent " Hey just wanted to see if the Shadow World was part of our world or if it was a different realm altogether ?" as he then hopped into the car and then turned it on as he plugged in his phone before he drove to the cafe where he found Alice waiting for him and so as he sat down he kissed her hand and said " I sent her the message and so we'll see soon OK ?" with Alice nodding as she kissed him before they sat together and relaxed for the time being .

Sarah was in her jeep as she sent to Adam " It's a alternate realm of life and so you won't need your phone as it does not rely on Shadow Power which the realm is full of so i would recommend keeping your phones in somewhere safe , i'm not saying you can't bring them but be aware they won't work OK ?" and so Adam nodded as he softly read it out to Alice who also nodded and said " that's fine as long as we're safe that's all " before Sarah walked into their booth and said " Hey i'm just in need of coffee and then we can go " with Adam and his girlfriend nodding before Sarah got her coffee and they just let their fears and worry's go . The time soon came and so Adam and Sarah pulled their cars to a special spot where there would be the entrance to the Shadow World and so Sarah walked up to the small podium before she then dropped some of her blood onto it.

The podium then drained it into the stone in front of them and the portal opened up which was black and red as usual and so Adam said " You guys ready ? I know i am " as he walked into the portal and was soon standing in front of his two companions as they stood at a building which looked like a big hotel and as the two ladies looked like they were fine Sarah said " Alright i think i'll show you guys around and see where we can go " before the young woman led her protege and his girlfriend into a small deli/cafe that had images of a man and woman slow dancing on the poster in the wall in front of Adam and Alice . A man with grey hair and blue eyes walked over and asked " What can i get you three ? Wait a moment is that you Sarah ? " and Sarah smiled before waving her hand and said " Yeah it's me let's just say i found some good people to spend the time with you know ? ."

Then she said "Oh and i'll take a Turkey and Cheese sandwich please " as she stepped back before Adam stepped up and gave his order in while Alice did the same thing and as the man went back to get their food ready Adam asked " so who can we get to know around here ? i mean they probably don't know of me or my parents and i don't know if there is a ruling family right now you know ?" with Sarah nodding her head and she said " Well i think i know someone so after we eat i'll go find that person and see if we can be shown around " . So then they finished their food before heading to the location where they found a apartment building that looked pretty stable with a set of stairs that led to the upper levels . So Sarah headed up to the door in the third level and knocked on the door before a woman came out and smiled at Sarah before she said " Sarah nice to see you again !" and hugged her .

The woman had black hair and red eyes with a aura of peace and friendship around her and so she took a look at Adam and Alice before she said " Well what can i do for you guys ?" with Sarah asking " You think you can give us a tour of the Shadow World as it's been a while since I've been here and i don't think i can remember all of it . " The woman who was named Lucia smiled and said " Of course i would love to just let me get ready OK ?" and then grabbed her jacket before heading to the door and they walked out of the door before heading to the ground level of the apartment building . Lucia then asked her friend " So is it that him ? you know the son of the former king ?" and Sarah nodded as she whispered " Can you keep it a secret for now as i don't want anything happening to him you know ?. "

She then sighed before continuing to say " i'm afraid there are people here that want him dead or want to use him for their own agendas " which Lucia nodded at as she understood and said " i promise i'll keep it secret for now but i know that King Sarix and his wife would take kindly to Adam due to their family being the successors to Luke and his wife as well as being their closest friends " which Sarah thought about for a moment before nodding at and they stopped at a small building before Sarah said " this is where we will be staying for our time here as i used this place as my hideout when i was working here " and so Adam and Alice put their stuff away before they decided to go get some sleep for the night with Sarah telling Lucia " we'll get that tour later OK ? they're kinda tired " and Lucia smiled before nodding and said " i'll be at my apartment OK ?" with Sarah hugging her and then went to bed . 

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