Talking to his parents about the trip

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 As Adam got up that morning he saw that it was around 6 in the morning and so he then got out his clean workout clothes before getting dressed and then headed out to the weight room for his morning routine as he wanted to think of what he was about to say to his parents about going to the Shadow World and so as he did his stretches Adam had his phone playing " King Kunta" by Kendrick Lamar on his playlist for the time being before he then got up and headed over to the bar before he then looked up and saw Connor standing in front of him and so he said " Can you watch me to keep me from hurting myself ?" with Connor nodding and said " of course why am i here doof ?" with a teasing grin on his face to show that he was messing with his brother .

Adam lifted the bar as the song switched to " Pray For Me " before going up and down as his breathing was calm for the moment due to not wanting to hurt himself if he made a mistake and once it was done Adam put the bar down before going at it again for another set of reps with Connor keeping a count in his head before Adam got up and then said " Do you want to go at it or are you here to tell me something ?" with a raised eyebrow before Connor shook his head and said " just wanted to ask what did you want to talk to Mom and Dad about ?" with Adam shaking his head before said " It's mostly that i was asked if i wanted to go to the Shadow World with Sarah the other day and i don't know what they will say you know ?" .

Then as he got up Connor said " well let me know what they say OK ?" before Adam asked " do you want to come with us if it's OK with them ?" in a surprised tone with Connor shaking his head and said " i don't really feel up to it you know i feel it should be you first but maybe we can all go later in the days OK?" and Adam nodded before the young man headed to the shower and then got dressed before sitting down for breakfast . Once sitting down at the table as Luke was cooking the food for the morning Adam took some bites of the pancakes that had been placed in front of him and said " so what's going on for the day ?" before Kara said " probably going to stay home really i don't have any plans for today " .

Luke was then saying " yeah me too i have nowhere to go today " before Adam said " i'll probalby go and visit Charlie or something today now i was asked if i could go to the Shadow World with Sarah the other day and i was hoping to run it by you today " with Kara and Luke watching each other for the time being as they ate their food . Kara then sighed before saying " i personally don't know about this sweetheart but if you want to go then i won't stop you but please promise me you'll be safe " as Luke nodded at the same time and said " i agree with your mother son i know you want to learn more about your skills and your heritage which i have no problem with but i want you to be safe OK ? there are probably people who would want us dead and they would get to you to hurt us so keep a eye out " which Adam nodded at before he finished his food.

He then headed out to the car before turning it on and plugged in his phone before driving to the library where he parked in the spot he sometimes chose for when he came to the library and then headed in before picking out some books on different animals of the southwest region. Once he was done reading them Adam then looked around for a few more books before going out to the car and then drove to the cafe before sitting down at a table and looking through his phone as he also read the menu for the next few minutes until the waitress came over and asked " can i get you any drinks ?" with Adam saying " i'll take a coke please " and the waitress came over a few moments later with his drink before Adam texted Alice " I'm at the cafe if you want to come sit with me " and then looked through the menu to see what he wanted .

Alice sent to him " I am in the middle of something right now babe but i'll call you later OK?" with Adam nodding to himself and sending to her " It's OK i get it and i'll see you later " before ordering his meal . Later Adam was at home and writing for the current amount of time before he saw Alice walk into the room and so he kissed her cheek before asking " so what were you doing when i was at the cafe ? not that i'm angry i'm just curious you know ?" with Alice smiling and said in return " i was just finishing some homework for today so i decided to come see you " as they plopped down on the couch . Later as they finished up a Supernatural marathon Alice was asleep on his chest.

So then Adam smiled before kissing her forehead and then said " Babe you OK ? do you need to go home or anything ?" with Alice stirring and nodding her head before she said " yeah i'll see you later babe " as she kissed his cheek before heading home while Adam finished his writing and then sat down for dinner . After dinner Adam told Sarah in a text " Mom and Dad said i can go with you so i'll be over tomorrow so we can talk about the trip OK ?" before Sarah sent back " sure i'll meet you at the manor before we talk about what will happen and make a plan " and then Adam fell onto the bed . 

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