Adam learning new spells

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 At the same time that Dante had seen the images of the Tome of Shadows due to him using his power to trigger it as well as sending out a pulse of power Adam woke up with Alice in his arms next to him on the bed that morning in his room with a feeling of dread in his body at the pulse of power he felt a few moments ago and so he said to himself " I don't know what that was but i think it has something to do with my other soul " before he got up and whispered to his girlfriend " I'm going to get breakfast started the shower's open for you if you want to use it OK babe " and Alice who was already awake said " OK babe i'll meet you in the kitchen " before she got her clothes and then headed into the shower as Adam walked into the kitchen and took out some food before he began to cook some eggs and bacon .

Kara and Luke walked into the room a few minutes later as Alice was sitting down next to their son and Kara cleared her throat before she said in a worried voice " Honey i know that you two are being safe but we want to make sure that nothing horrible has happened so did you guys have the necessary methods ?" with Adam nodding and swallowed his food before he said " Yeah i always keep some of the protection in my wallet and i go to the store to pick up more when i run out plus we always know to go to the doctor to get checked out if anything happens " which Alice nodded at and said in response to that " I know you guys are just being protective but i know me and your son are safe and will keep being safe till we're stable and ready to not use it anymore " which Luke nodded at in relief before he poured himself some coffee as Connor came into the room .

The family soon ate their breakfast before Alice said " I have to go home but i'll meet you at the cafe babe " which Adam nodded at and then kissed her before she drove to her house and then as he finished his food Adam said " I'm hitting the shower but then i am meeting up with Sarah so i'll be back later " which Luke and Kara nodded at as they knew their son would be with someone they trusted before Adam said " Oh this morning i felt a pulse of power that was very strong and so i think it had something to do with the other half of my soul " which alerted his parents and so they said " OK honey we'll keep a eye out for anything so let Sarah know about this " before Adam did his morning routine . Once he was done with that Adam went out to his car before he then pulled out his phone and texted Sarah with " I got something to tell you so meet me at the cafe OK?."

After that Adam then drove out of the driveway and then headed to the cafe for the next few minutes with the only thoughts in his head being " Wonder what that fool Auriex needs my girlfriend for i hope it doesn't kill her or anything cause if it does he going's wish he was not banished from home!" with his eyes glowing red and black before he then parked and walked into the cafe where he got a booth and then looked through the menu before he saw Sarah walk in and sit down before him . Sarah was putting some butter on her toast a while later as Adam was sipping his coffee before she said " So what did you need to talk to me about ? it seemed urgent from what you sent me in that message " with a eyebrow raise which Adam nodded at and then said " This morning i felt a pulse of power that was very strong and i suspect it had something to do with my other half and so i wanted to see what you thought since you could come up with a idea to keep it under control "

Then Sarah sipped her tea and said " Well first i think we need to teach you some spells for healing and how to aid Alice in combat as she could be somewhat vulnerable in the field due to only knowing a few spells plus i don't want you to go anywhere near Dante as i don't have a good feeling about who he's with you know ?" . Then they finished their food before heading out to the park where as Sarah put up a device that would keep them cleared from anyone who would see them she then said " Alright this is the first spell i will be teaching you which is the Healing Spring spell " and so she then held out her hands before they glowed light green and shot towards Adam which healed him of any injuries he had and so he was amazed which was shown when he said " That's useful but do i have to use it at that range or can i use it at close range ?".

Sarah was smiling as she said " It can be used at any range but make sure you're not in sight of a attack by a foe and you should be fine now i'm going to show the other two which are the Light Shower of Holy fire and the Daggers of Serene Healing " with the Dark Light Shower spell Sarah shot a blast of light reddish energy towards the young man which made him groan in annoyance as his body felt like it was on fire and so he used the Healing Spring spell to get rid of it before Sarah said " The first spell which was the Light Shower will make your enemy feel like they're on fire which can be used for stealth attacks or surprise ones now here the's second one " which was shown by several black and green daggers struck Adam's body which caused bloody bruises to appear .

So he healed again which Sarah then said " Now i want to see you use those spells on these dummies OK ?" before she then created some training dummy's for him to try the spells on which Adam said " Sure " and then the training began . Once they were done Adam headed home before he then fell asleep and at that moment Dariux stood before a orb of dark fire which was his master's soul which he kneeled to and said " Here i am Lord Auriex" . 

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