Thanksgiving celebration

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 Now as it was time for Thanksgiving Adam had invited Alice to his house to celebrate the holiday in private if she wanted to but he had also said that he understood if she wanted to spend time with her friends and family but Alice had smiled and kissed him before saying " i would love to spend it with you " and so now on the morning of the holiday Adam was in the weight room by the garage with his legs on the floor and his body going up and down as he was doing some crunches for the time being as he wanted to get some workout reps in before he had to get ready for the day and so Adam finished his final rep before getting up and then wiped off any sweat off of his face before moving over to the pull up bar and so after taking off his shirt Adam then switched his phone to play " Midnight Queen " by Nickleback before he then grabbed the bar .

Then on the count of three lifted his arms up and did five reps to start off while he kept a eye on his watch to make sure that he had enough time before he had to get ready . At that moment Alice walked into the room and stopped as she saw her boyfriend's shirtless torso for the next few minutes and as she was blushing at the muscles on his torso Adam said " Hey Alice what's up?" and this woke her up before she held out some cookies and said " These are from my mom she wants to meet you soon and she said to tell you that she's happy we've met " before Adam took the cookies and smiled as he said " cool want to come in if you're able to ?" and Alice smiled as she said " sure i got time " before both teens headed to the kitchen and Adam then took out two cans of Lemonade before handing one to Alice and kept one to himself before sitting down .

Adam was then saying " so what do you want to do for our little holiday celebration ? maybe we can go out and get something to eat or just go around and see what's there to do ?" which Alice thought about as she drank some of her Lemonade for the next few minutes until she said " i have no problems with that but let's see if it's OK with your parents cause i know my parents are fine with it as they trust you " before they got up and headed to the living room where Kara and Luke were sitting down and watching some TV . Luke looked up and saw his son and his son's girlfriend walking into the room and so he said " Hey what can we do for you too ?" with his hand on his wife's hand before Adam said " is it OK if after dinner we go out for our own celebration of the holiday ? you know we go get some food or just see what we can find like maybe get some ice cream or anything?".

Alice then followed that up with her saying " if it helps my parents are OK with this so we're letting you know that we'll be safe " before Kara said " i'm OK with it i just want you to text us when you're at the place or places you want to be at OK?" with Luke nodding and replying " i agree with that i'm fine with you guys going out but be safe" which Adam smiled at and kissed Kara's cheek before saying " we'll be taking a walk " . So as Adam and Alice headed out to the back door and then stood outside the house Adam then wrapped his arm around Alice's waist before she leaned her head on his shoulder and said " so where do you want to go tonight ? Maybe the movies or the mall or ice cream ?" before Adam chuckled and said " we'll see how it goes how about that ?" as they walked down the street to the end of the block .

As they then came back home Alice smiled and said " Ah the air feels nice doesn't it even if it's somewhat cool " and Adam smiled too as he said " i agree it does feel good to be outside today " before they sat down in the den and turned on the TV to watch some Supernatural for the time being . A few moments later Adam was sleeping on Alice's shoulder and she was smiling down at him as she laid her hand on his hair and started to run her hand through it for the time being and then in the next second Kara walked into the room and smiled at this before she whipped out her phone and took a pic of it as well as a quick silent video before texting her husband with " Hon check this out " as she then put the video and picture in the message and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the next hours .

Eventually it was time for dinner and so as Alice went home she told Adam " i'll come over later and we can have our fun then OK?" to which Adam smiled and kissed her forehead before he walked into the kitchen and asked " you need any help ?" to his parents who smiled at him in thanks before Kara said " sure thing hon want to help me get the veggies ready?" which Adam smiled at before helping the two adults make dinner for the time being and once it was ready Adam then sat down with his brother and parents before they took some food and then put it on their plates for the dinner . The food was great and as Adam took some bites of the turkey and potatoes he looked around and thought to himself " I know this is what i am truly grateful for having in my life"

Then he continued with " But even though i now know who i am i also keep these important things in my heart and mind " before drinking some coke and then finished his meal before going to get ready for going out with Alice . Later that night as Adam and Alice were heading to the Moonlight cafe after having seen a movie they then ordered their drinks before sitting down and Alice snuggled into Adam's chest as he kissed her forehead before whispering " how did you enjoy the movie? i mean i liked it for the most part " which Alice smiled at before she said " it was good i liked it and i hope we can see another one soon " as they then sipped their drinks for the next few minutes.

They were then heading to the car and then driving home where Adam worked on playing some Xbox for a while before going home . 

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