Sarah's point of view

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 At the same time that the rest of the world was waking up that morning a young woman was sitting in the middle of a room that was part of the boarding house that she was in for the time being and as she got up from her meditation she stretched her body out like a cat before she looked at her reflection in the mirror for the next minute as she wanted to get a good look at herself before she did anything else . The reflection showed a young female of medium height with raven hair that went to her back and that was shiny but not too weird looking while at the same time it also showed her blue eyes that looked cold and untrusting but also looked warm if you saw past her cold walls she put up as well as a scar that ran down her torso due to a incident in her past which annoyed her but she kept it secret as she didn't want anyone to see the wound due to some insecurities in her being .

So after that she went to her closet before taking out some clothes and then took her shower in the next few minutes while her phone played " Runnin " by Adam Lambert before she then stepped out of the water and then dried off before pulling her clothes on and then made some food for herself before she took out her phone and made her list for the day of what she had to do which mainly revolved around " Keep a eye on Adam Scott " which was her main objective for the time being and so as the female turned off the list she saw a message come in that read " Sarah I'll be coming in to help you if you need it OK?" before Sarah rolled her eyes as she sent back " I can handle it but i appreciate your help so i'll let you know ".

Sarah then got off her chair before walking out to her bike with her bag on her shoulder and then pulled out of the house before driving to the school where she parked and then whipped out some paperwork before walked into the building and headed to the person that helped people out when it came to the school . Sarah walked into the room and waited for the woman to finish her talk with the person on the other line for the moment before she said as the woman put the phone down "My name is Sarah and i was wondering if there was a position for a substitute teacher here ?" and the woman who's tag said Mrs. Lee said " yeah i know there's one for Mrs King's English class so if you want to work in that class go ahead " before Sarah gave in the paperwork and then she walked down the hall as she could see Adam and a young woman walking out of a classroom .

Then she said to him as he and Alice were walking out of their class due to the period ending " I was wondering if you were Adam Scott " with the young man nodding in bewilderment before he blinked and said in a nervous tone " Yeah i am did i do something or do you need me for something ?" as Alice looked worried before Sarah nodded in reassurement as she smiled at the same time and said " No you're not in trouble but i just wanted to say that i hope to talk to you soon OK? plus i bet you're wondering about that mark on your chest right ? well when you're ready to know come find me " before she walked away and Adam blinked again as he said to Alice " What just happened ?" with the young girl shaking her head and said at the same time " Let's go to our next class and you can worry about that later " .

Later Sarah stood in front of the classroom and said " Hello my name is Mrs. James and i'll be your sub for the time being as your teacher seems to be sick or something so let's go over the roll call and then we can begin the class OK?" before she picked up the list of students and while she did that she also kept her eyes on Adam who was looking at his notes as if he was trying to figure out what she meant when she had spoke to him a few hours ago . The classwork was given out for the rest of the period and so as Sarah walked through the desks and looked over the work she looked down at Adam's and smiled to herself as she saw he was interested in this class and thought to herself " It seems both of his parents passed their love of books and writing to their son " before heading to gather her things together as the bell was about to ring .

Soon after the school day Adam was walking out of the school to Charlie's car when he saw Sarah heading to her own vehicle and so he asked " Mrs King can i ask you something if you're OK with it ?" before she nodded and said in a pleasant voice "sure what can i do for you ?" and so Adam spoke in a confused voice " what do you know about me like do you know what this means ?" as he pulled his shirt down before he showed her his mark on his chest . Sarah spoke in the next few seconds " I do but i want to wait maybe a day before i let you know about it so first ask your parents about this OK?" with Adam nodding in confusion before he placed his bag in Charlie's car and he was soon dropped off at his house . After he sat down with his homework he then worked on that for the next few minutes while he ate some homemade cookies that his mom made .

At the same time he was listening to some music from his phone before he looked up and saw his mother walk into the room so he asked " Hey mom i have a question do you know anything about Sarah King ?" before Kara froze and looked at her son before asking " How do you know her ? did she say anything about me and your dad ?" with Adam shaking his head and said " no i mean she just said to ask about my mark on my chest " to which Kara sighed and sat down before speaking " this is hard but let's talk about this later or maybe the next day OK ?" with Adam nodding and then finished his homework before going to play some Xbox . Then as Adam ate his dinner later that night he then asked his mother " Mom let's wait for a few hours before we talk about what you are going to tell me OK?".

So Kara looked at Luke who knew what she was going to tell their son and nodded before she said " OK honey " as they finished their food before Adam got up and went to the den before he read some of his books for the next few hours . Eventually Kara and Luke sat down with their son and looked at each other before Kara said " OK honey this is what we have to tell you " 

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