Using the pills for the first time

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 Later that week as Adam and Sarah were doing a workout session before Adam had to go to school they were sitting on the bench in the park while they recovered from their sparring session and so as they sat down and let the warm air hit their bodies Sarah said to her student " OK so these are a special watch that will record any battle info for your monitoring when you're in the thick of the fight and later you can hook it up to the computer at the manor so we can check it out when you're done and here are some pills to help your mental state increase which will in turn improve your skills so let's finish this up and head home OK ?" with Adam nodding before he took the watch and pills before putting them in his pocket and then they headed back to the jeep before driving to Adam's house where he then got into the shower.

After that he then dried off a few minutes later before he ate his breakfast with his parents and brother in the kitchen too . As Adam walked towards the stove and took out a plate from the cabinet he then placed some food onto the plate and then sat down before he said to his parents " Hey do you two know anything about what these can really do to me ? Sarah gave me them this morning but i don't want to rush into using them you know ?" with Luke nodding and looking at his wife who raised her eyebrow at the watch and the pills before she said " I've seen the pills before as they were used by the Guards at the palace to keep their skills going and improve their mental states so they can be at top shape"

Then she swallowed some coffee before continuing to speak " the pills will also keep your mind/brain's power going at full speed and you will be able to learn a lot more than usual with the only side effects being that you should take them one at a time like maybe a few hours later after you have taken the last one OK ? ." this made Adam relieved to know it won't hurt him and so he finished his food before grabbing his keys and bag and then he got into his car and then plugged in his phone before heading to school with Connor behind him and so as they drove to the school Adam had " Notorious " playing through his speakers which made him feel good and then as he then parked in the parking spot that he usually chose for the day Adam sighed in contentment before he then grabbed his phone and bag and then headed into the school.

Standing in front of the locker door he opened his locker and then kissed Alice as she stood by his side while he grabbed his books before she said " You OK babe ? i mean after your mental attack by Auriex you been worried about something ?" with Adam sighing and rubbing his neck as he said " yeah i just want to keep my mind on the important things in there that's all " which Alice nodded at in a uncertain manner before they headed to their next classes for the morning . Once it was time for Chemistry Adam sat down in his seat while opening his notebook and taking out his homework for the class as Charlie sat down next to him and said " Dude are you alright ? you seem worried about something " before Adam shook his head and said in a dismissive tone " Yeah i'm fine i'm just thinking of something that's all " as the class was about to start . So the two best friends started to write down the notes for the day .

Once the class was over Adam met with his girlfriend at his locker before they headed to the lunchroom as he wanted to check up with her and so he kissed her cheek before he said " How was your morning so far babe ?" with Alice smiling at her boyfriend before she kissed him and then on a impulse leaned into his ear and whispered some very dirty and naughty things into there which made Adam blush before he said " I'll think about it later " as they headed over to their table . They sat down and then ate their food before Adam worked on his homework for the time being as Alice was eating her food and then as he was soon done Adam then put his work away before he then finished his own food and then headed to the bathroom before he came back and they then left to go to their next classes for the day .

Later as Adam was at his locker he then told himself " So later i want to try using those pills to increase my training " before he kissed Alice's cheek and said " I'm going to be at Sarah's but i'll see you later OK babe ?" with Alice nodding and she said " Alright but call me if anything happens OK ?" before Adam nodded and headed out to the car . After he got dressed for his training session with Sarah he then drove to the manor before he and Sarah headed to the training room before they then got into doing some stretches and then Adam took one of the pills out which looked grey and small before he popped it into his mouth and then it melted in his mouth before he then glowed for a moment and then they dashed at each other before Adam punched Sarah in the stomach and then grabbed her leg before slamming her around the room for the next few minutes .

Sarah recovered before she slammed her fists into Adam's head which dazed him for a moment before he then recovered and then tackled Sarah into a sitting position and then punched her a few times before she then smirked and flipped him off her before she did the same thing . All the while as they were fighting the pill was increasing Adam's reaction time and his learning rate which was causing him to fight against Sarah in a better way for the time being before they eventually stopped and headed over to where their water bottles were and sipped some before Adam had to go home and so he gave Sarah's hand a squeeze before heading home . Later that night Adam finished his routine for the night and then went to bed due to being tired . 

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